Page 21 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 21
Article VI - Amendments
b. For one of the Two (2) minority seats the individual must be other than a white
male or female, and must be either an administrator at a member School, a full
time teacher in grade 9 or above at a member School or a central offi ce (multi-
School district) administrator.
c. For one of the Two (2) female seats the individual be a female and either an
administrator at a member School, a full time teacher in grade 9 or above at a
member School or a central offi ce (multi-School district) administrator.
d. For one of the Two (2) urban School seats the individual must be employed at a
member urban School, and must be either an administrator at the urban School,
a full time teacher in grade 9 or above at the urban School or a central offi ce
(multi-urban School district) administrator.
e. For the one Private School seat the individual must be employed at a member
Private School, and must be either an administrator at the Private School, a full
time teacher in grade 9 or above at the Private School or a central offi ce (multi-
Private School district) administrator. (Art. IV, Sect. 3(a), c(1))
Q. 5 Who are the members of the IHSAA Executive Committee and who are the members
of the IHSAA Board of Directors?
A. The members of the IHSAA Executive Committee and members of the IHSAA Board
of Directors are the same, and include the Nineteen (19) individuals who represent
the Three (3) Districts, the individuals who represent the Four (4) enrollment classes,
the individuals who are from the urban Schools, the individuals who are female, the
individuals who are minority representatives and the individual who is from Private
Schools. (Art. IV, Sect. 1, 2, 3)
Q. 6 Is it necessary for a member school to meet and maintain the policies, regulations
and standards for the accreditation and Classifi cation of schools in Indiana in order
to be a member of the IHSAA?
A. Yes (Art. III, Sect. 2).
Q. 7 When and how may principals submit proposals for the consideration of the Board
of Directors?
A. Principals may submit such proposals at any time in writing to the Commissioner,
prior to March 1 annually. The Commissioner will then submit them to the Board of
Directors for consideration and action at the annual meeting, held on Monday of
Week 44 (Art. IV, Sect. 3i, Article VI, Sect. 2).
Q. 8 May the academic rules of a School be changed, or may a special examination be
given to certain students in order for the students to become eligible academically
under the IHSAA Academic Rule, rule 18?
A. A member School is responsible for the administration of its academic program,
and therefore may make and change its academic rules and may decide what
examinations will and will not be given to its students. However, if a School makes
a change to its academic rules, and if such change applies only to certain students
and the purpose of such change is principally to make those students academically
eligible under the IHSAA Academic Rule, the IHSAA may fi nd that such rule change
to be a sham and may fi nd such students academic ineligibility. Likewise, if a School
gives certain students special examinations, and if the purpose for giving such
examinations is principally to make the students academically eligible under the
IHSAA Academic Rule, then the IHSAA may fi nd that the giving of such examines
to also be a sham and fi nd such students academic ineligibility.