Page 24 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 24


           same Dioceses as the School to which it feeds, and the matriculation must be by rule of
           the local school system or Diocese.  In addition, “Feeder School” also includes a primary
           school whose students, by rule of the local school system or Diocese, automatically ma-
           triculate to a Feeder School.
         Full Protective Equipment: In football, this means a helmet, shoulder pads, a mouth piece
           and shoes.
         Grading Period: The period of time, predetermined by a School, when all students’ achieve-
           ments are graded and reported to the School’s principal.
         Guardian: An individual who has the legal responsibility for providing the care and manage-
           ment of a minor ward, and who has been offi cially appointed under the laws of the ward’s

           home state, and whose appointment is Bona Fide, legitimate and not connected, in any
           way, with any eff ort to establish residency or athletic eligibility.
         Home Contest:  A Contest hosted by a School.  A Home Contest of a Fan is a Contest
           hosted by the School which the Fan primarily supports and any Tournament Series
           Contest in which that School participates.
         Home School: The name given to home education or home-based learning, where the educa-
           tion of a child is conducted at the student’s home or in similar locations, typically by parents
           or by tutors, rather than in the other formal settings of a Public School or Private School.
         Individual Sports: Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field
           and Wrestling.
         IHSAA: Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc.
         IHSAA Recognized Sports: Baseball, G&B Basketball, G&B Cross Country, Football, Flag
           Football, G&B Golf, Gymnastics, G&B Soccer, Softball, G&B Swimming, G&B Tennis, U,
           G&B Track and Field, Volleyball and Wrestling.
         Innovative Course: A unique course which either utilizes non-traditional learning methods or
           specializes in a particular area of learning, for example, languages or technology, and which
           is not a part of the School’s curriculum guide.  College courses are not Innovative Courses.
         Innovative School: A non-member, stand-alone Indiana Public School which utilizes non-
           traditional learning methods or specializes in a particular area of learning, for example,
           languages or technology, in addition to providing general education, and which does not
           sponsor any athletic programs involving any IHSAA Recognized Sports, whatsoever.  A
           school which can meet the requirements of a Virtual Education School, does not qualify
           as an Innovative School; and similarly, a school which can meet the requirements of an
           Innovative School, does not qualify as a Virtual Education School.
         Intramural Contest: A contest in which all participants on both teams are members of One
           (1) School, e.g. faculty, students, senior-class tourney, etc.
         Jamboree: A Jamboree is a special interscholastic activity involving Three (3) or more Schools,
           in which no School may participate for more than one-half of the Jamboree. In order to be
           eligible for a Jamboree, a player must be academically eligible, if a transfer student must
           have full or limited eligibility and must have previously participated in Five (5) separate
           days of organized Practice prior to the day of the Jamboree under the direct supervision
           of the Member School Coaching Staff  in that sport (in football it must be Five (5) days of
           unrestricted full contact Practice). A Jamboree is not a Practice and does not count as a
           Practice toward meeting the minimum number of Practices required to play in a Season
           Contest. A Jamboree is not a Season Contest and does not count as a Season Contest in
           determining the maximum number of Season Contests during a Contest Season. Licensed

           Offi cials must be used in a Jamboree in sports in which Offi cials are required. A Jamboree

           may not be scouted by anyone not affi liated with a team participating in the Jamboree.
         Lesson: An organized one-on-one instruction or practice in a sport.
         Licensed or Certified position: an administrative position with a school which requires an
           administrator’s certification or similar professional credential or a teacher’s position with a
           school which requires a teacher’s license.
         Limited Contact Program: A School sponsored program conducted During the School Year
           Out-of-Season wherein a student may participate in athletic activities involving an IHSAA
           Recognized Sport and may have limited contact with a coach in that sport.  The program’s
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