Page 65 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 65
Rule 12 - Enrollment
Q. 12-7 Is a student who is attending a Home School considered to be a student
attending an Innovative School, and therefore athletically eligible under the
Innovative School Rule (rule 12-4) at the Indiana Public School Serving the
Student’s Residence?
A. No. A Home School is not a Public School, it does not meet the definition of
an Innovative School, and a student attending a Home School is not eligible
at the local Public School under the Innovative School Rule (rule 12-4).
Q. 12-8 If a student lives in the attendance area of Public School A, but Enrolls at
Public School B (a School which offers innovative teaching methods and has
no athletic programs involving an IHSAA Recognized Sport), can the student
play football on School A’s football team?
A. Yes, provided (i) Public School A accepts the student in its football program,
(ii) the student, Public School A and Public School B, each inform the IHSAA of
student’s participation in Public School A’s football program, (iii) there exist no
apparent IHSAA rule violations and (iv) the student meets all IHSAA eligibility
standards and all of Public School B’s standards. (rule 12-4)
Q.12-9 Can a student who attends a Home School, but who takes some or all of his/
her courses on-line, obtain athletically eligible at the Public School Serving
the Student’s Residence?
A. Yes, the student might seek athletic eligibility at the Public School Serving
the Student’s Residence under either the Virtual Education School Rule (rule
12-6), or under the Non-Accredited School Rule (rule 12-5).
Q. 12-10 A student attends a vocational School outside of the student’s School of
Enrollment, for Three (3) hours each day. Where is the student eligible?
A. The student is eligible at the student’s School of Enrollment. (rule 18-8(b))
Q. 12-11 Where is a student who attends a special education co-op, outside the student’s
School of Enrollment, eligible?
A. The student may be eligible at either school but not both and the student may
select the school to attend, and seek athletic eligibility at that school. (rule
18-1.3) Once a school is selected, however, any later change of selection
or transfer shall be treated as a school transfer under rule 19.
Eight Semester/Four Year Eligibility - Generally
Q. 12-12 How long may a student be Enrolled during a semester, then drop out, and
not have the semester be counted under the Eight Semester Rule (rule 12)?
A. A student Enrolling as a freshman at a School may withdraw any time prior
to the sixteenth (16th) school day following the student’s Enrollment and not
have the semester count under the Eight Semester Rule. In the case of a
student who has already begun high school, every semester counts toward
the student’s Eight (8) consecutive semesters/Four (4) consecutive years,
regardless of whether the student is Enrolled at a school or not during the
period. (rule 12-2)
Q. 12-13 May a student, who has been in high school Four (4) fall semesters and Four
(4) spring semesters or Twelve (12) Trimesters, but who has not participated
in athletics, participate in athletics?
A. No, Enrollment as a freshman begins the Eight (8) consecutive semesters of
athletic opportunity, regardless of the student’s participation in athletics. (rule
Physical Exception to Eight Semester Rule
Q. 12-14 A senior participates in a full season of cross country in the fall, then goes out
for basketball and is seriously injured after only Two (2) games of the basketball
season, and because of the injury is required to withdraw from the School and
receives no credit for the fall semester. Is the student eligible for a fall sport
(cross county or football ) or a winter sport (basketball) the next year?
A. The student is not eligible to participate in any fall sport since the student had
participated in more than Twenty percent (20%) of the authorized Contest
Season in cross country as a senior. The student would, however, be eligible
for a winter sport, basketball, during the fall Semester. (rule 12-3)