Page 67 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 67

Rule 14 - Officials
         14-4 Licensure of Officials a Privilege; Licensure Subject to Revocation
         Official licensure by the IHSAA is a privilege and not a right. All licensed officials, all applicants
         for licensure, and all applicants for renewal of licensure agree to abide by the policies, purposes,
         rules and regulations of the IHSAA. Approval of applications for licensure and application for
         renewal of license shall be at the discretion of the Commissioner and are considered final,
         binding and not reviewable. The Commissioner may revoke the license of an official for cause
         which shall include, but not be limited to, the violation of the policies, purposes, rules and
         regulations of the IHSAA and any conduct, both on or off the field or court which would have
         a negative or detrimental effect upon the IHSAA, its members, students or the public.
         14-5 Annual License Registration
         There shall be an annual registration of Association officials each year. The date of registration
         and fee shall be determined by the Committee.
         14-6 Classification of Officials
         Licensed officials  in  the Association will  be  classified into Three  (3) groups:  Registered,
         Certified and Professional.
         14-7 Officials Required to Display Current Official’s Insignia
         All licensed officials shall wear current officials’ insignia on the prescribed uniform.
         14-8 High School Students May Not Be Officials
         High school students are not eligible for licensing as Association officials.
         14-9 Official’s License Annual Renewal
         All licenses shall expire annually on May 31. Licenses may be renewed ONLY April 1  to
         May 31 without penalty. Principals should use only those officials whose names appear in
         the current year Officials Directory or who show license issued in the required sport for the
         current Membership year.
         14-10 Use of Assigners when securing Officials
         A School may use the services of an Assigner to schedule Officials for Contests. If a paid
         Assigner is used by a School, the paid Assigner must be approved by the IHSAA, the School
         and the Assigner must execute an IHSAA approved Assigner’s contract and the Assigner’s
         contract must be on file with the IHSAA and with the School, prior to any Contest assignment.
         If a School uses a paid Assigner who is not approved by the IHSAA, the School shall pay a
         fine of $500 and the Assigner will lose the Assigner’s assigning privileges and any Officials
         License held by the Assigner.
         Q & A
         Officials - Generally
         Q. 14-1  Who can be an IHSAA licensed Official?
         A.     Any individual who is not a high School student and who has not had his/her IHSAA
                Official’s license revoked may seek an IHSAA Official’s license after completing the
                Official’s application, after successfully passing the Official’s test, and after paying
                a licensure fee. (rule 14-2)
         Q. 14-2   Must an Official renew the Official’s IHSAA license each year?
         A.     Yes.  All IHSAA Officials must renew their Official’s license each year by completing
                the annual registration and paying the licensure fee. (rule 14-9)
         Q. 14-3   What is  the  difference between a  Registered  Official,  a  Certified  Official and  a
                Professional Official?
         A.     A Registered Official is an Official who has been licensed by the IHSAA for less
                than Two (2) years, or who has been licensed for Two (2) or more years, but who
                has not received a Certified rating or did not score Ninety (90) or above on an
                exam.  A Certified Official is an Official in an IHSAA Recognized Sport who has
                completed an IHSAA sponsored certification clinic, who has completed an IHSAA
                sponsored rules interpretation meeting in the IHSAA Recognized Sport and who has
                scores Ninety (90) or above on written test(s).  A Professional Official is a Certified
                Official in an IHSAA Recognized Sport who has been assigned to work in Three
                (3) or more Tournament Series in that IHSAA Recognized Sport, who has been an
                active, participating member in an IHSAA recognized Officials association, who
                is recommended for this classification in that IHSAA Recognized Sport by his/her
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