Page 72 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 72
Rule 15 - Participation
athletic Contests, other than permitted through a School’s Limited Contact Program, Section
d. Member Schools may not provide School-owned uniforms (jerseys, shirts, shorts, pants,
singlets, or swimsuits, etc.) worn by the student in non-school Contests.
15-2.2 Team Sports (Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball)
a. Students may participate in Team Sport Practice and Contests as members of a Non-School
Team provided no more than the following number of students, (i) who have participated in
a Contest the previous season as a member of One (1) of their School teams in that sport
or (ii) who were incoming freshmen in either the current or in the immediate prior School
Year (and who seek to participate on a Non-School Team from Monday of Week 5 until the
date of the first authorized Practice in that sport), are rostered on the same Non-School
Team, at the same time. Seniors, who have exhausted their eligibility in a particular sport,
do not count in the maximum number of students that can participate on a Non-School
Team in that sport.
Baseball – 5 Football – 6 Softball – 5
Basketball – 3 Soccer – 7 Volleyball – 3
b. During the School Year Out-of-Season, the following standards also must be met for a
student to participate in Team Sports practices and contests as a member of a Non-School
(1.) Participation in Team Sports practices and contests during school time must be ap-
proved by the School principal or his/her designee.
(2.) Fees for a Non-School Team, if charged, must be provided solely by the student,
parent or Guardian. No school or athletic funds shall be used for such when students
of grades 9-12 are involved.
(3.) Participation on a Non-School Team shall be open to all students.
(4.) Merchandise and awards, other than those of symbolic value, may NOT be accepted
for athletic profi ciency. Student must remain an amateur.
c. During the School Year Out-of-Season, a student who has previously participated in a
Contest as a member of a School’s team or any freshman, and who is participating in
Team Sports practices or contests as a member of a Non-School Team, may not receive
instruction from individuals who are members of the student’s high School coaching staff.
(Exception: Coaches may instruct their sons or daughters.)
d. Member Schools may not organize, supervise or operate athletic practices for Non-School
e Member Schools may not provide School-owned uniforms (shorts, pants, singlets, or
swimsuits, etc.) worn by the student in Non-School contests.
15-2.3 Camps and Clinics
Students may attend camps and clinics provided the following standards are met.
a. Attendance is limited to non-school time and may begin on or after Monday of Week 7 or the
first day of School, whichever comes first, unless camp is a verified Olympic development
b. Fees, if charged, must be provided solely by the student, parent or Guardian except for
underprivileged students. No School or athletic funds shall be used for such.
c. No School-owned uniforms (jerseys, shirts, shorts, pants, singlets, or swimsuits, etc.) shall
be worn by the student.
d. No more than Three (3) students in basketball and volleyball, Five (5) students in baseball
and softball, Six (6) students in football or Seven (7) students in soccer who have
participated in a Contest the previous year as a member of One (1) of their School teams
in that sport may participate on the same team or in the same work station or drill at the
same time. All work stations or drills must be held independent of each other and may not
be integrated to simulate a game.
e. Member Schools may not organize, supervise or operate School-sponsored camps;
however, Schools may rent or lease their facilities to non-school sponsors.