Page 95 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 95
Rule 18 - Scholarship
Enrollment and Passing Chart
If the maximum number of 4 4 5 6 7 8 9
daily instructional periods:
Then the minimum number of 3 4 4 5 5 6 7
classes student must take are:
And the minimum number of 3 3 4 5 5 6 7
classes student must pass are:
18-1.1 Amount of Credit
The amount of credit given for any subject shall be as authorized by the Department of
NOTE: With such approval, Advanced Physical Education may earn a maximum of One
(1) credit, per semester.
18-1.2 Multi-Credit Subjects
Subjects for which Two (2) or more credits per semester are earned toward graduation shall
be considered as an equivalent number of required subjects.
18-1.3 Vocational and Special Education School Credits
Students attending state approved vocational or special education schools may transfer such
grades and credits earned to their home School for the purpose of establishing eligibility.
18-1.4 Partial Credit Subjects
A combination of 2, 3, or 4 partial-credit subject grades may be substituted for 1 or 2 full-credit
subject deficiencies.
18-1.5 Transfer Students
Transfer students must meet the requirements of this rule. However, if a transfer student is
coming from a school with a different academic schedule that cannot be accommodated in his/
her new School, and the transfer student is certified to be academically eligible by the school
from which he/she is transferring, said transfer student shall have full academic eligibility
in their new School until the transfer student can Enroll, complete and receive credit in the
maximum number of full credit subjects that a student can take at the new School. However,
during this interim period the transfer student must receive passing grades at the new School
in at least Seventy percent (70%) of the classes in which the student is Enrolled (semester
grades take precedence) and meet all other eligibility rules.
18-1.6 Semester Ineligibility
Students who are ineligible scholastically at the end of a Grading Period or semester, are
ineligible for the following Grading Period.
18-2 Certification Dates
Each School will establish consistent Grading Periods within the school year. The principal
shall set the Eligibility Certification Dates annually on the membership page/form. Each
Eligibility Certification Date must occur no later than noon of the tenth school day following
the end of each Grading Period. The principal shall certify the grades of each student on the
Eligibility Certification Date.
18-3 Night School
When students from a member School attend any night school approved by the Department
of Education and such students desire to count the credits earned toward IHSAA scholastic
eligibility requirements, they must obtain written approval from their high School principals
that each specific course credit/s earned will be accepted and counted toward graduation.
When establishing current scholastic eligibility requirements, they must be passing Seventy
percent (70%) of the maximum of full credit subjects or the equivalent taken concurrently in
day and/or night school.
18-4 Make-up for Scholastic Deficiency
Scholastic deficiencies caused by the inability of a student to pass Seventy percent (70%)