Page 96 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 96
Rule 18 - Scholarship
(See rule 18-1) or the equivalent in the previous Grading Period (semester grades take
precedence) may be made up in night school, summer school or correspondence school and
counted toward eligibility provided:
a. it be done in an accredited school or according to procedures approved by the Department
of Education;
b. all work be done and the necessary credits be made a matter of final record in principal’s
office prior to the opening date of the Grading Period in which eligibility is desired. This
does not apply to incompletes;
c. all work and credits be Bona Fide and certified as such by the high School principal.
18-5 Incompletes
An incomplete in a course at the end of a Grading Period or semester counts as a failure
until deficiency has been removed; an incomplete in a course on the Eligibility Certification
Date counts as a failure and, for scholastic eligibility purposes, cannot later be made up or
removed. A School may request a hardship waiver of this rule, regarding a make-up of an
incomplete after the Eligibility Certification Date for an extreme situation outside the control
of the student and the student’s parent(s).
18-6 Withdrawals
Students who withdraw within the first Fifteen (15) school days of a semester shall not be
considered ineligible as to scholarship at the beginning of their next semester of Enrollment,
provided they were eligible when they withdrew.
18-7 Alternative Courses
High school students who are Enrolled in a member high School may, with prior written approval
of their high School principal, obtain credits from alternative courses which may count toward
IHSAA scholastic eligibility requirements:
a. College Courses: A student may attend an accredited institution which grants credits which
count toward a baccalaureate degree from that institution, for credit that is acceptable for
high School graduation and for college credit, provided:
(1.) the student is Enrolled in one credit course at their home School,
(2.) the college course is approved by the Department of Education,
(3.) the local Board of School Trustees counts the college course credit toward
(4.) the college class is taken concurrently with the student’s School classes;
b. Unavailable Courses: A student may attend class at another accredited school for credit in
course offerings which cannot be obtained at the student’s School so long as the student is
Enrolled in and attending credit courses at their home School during at least Fifty percent
(50%) of the normal school day, and the total time in the class is equivalent to a regular
course at the student’s home School.
c. College During Vacation Periods: During a vacation period, high school students with
remaining athletic eligibility may Enroll in or attend a program in an accredited institution of
higher learning that may give them college credit provided they have prior written approval
of their high School principal.
d. Virtual Course: A student may earn course credits by attending a non-traditional Virtual
Course provided:
(1.) written request for approval of the Virtual Course is made to the IHSAA, including
a detailed description, and is approved by the Commissioner;
(2.) the Virtual Course is approved by the Department of Education;
(3.) the local School Board of Trustees counts the credits earned in a Virtual Course
towards graduation;
(4.) Virtual Course classes are taken concurrently with a student’s regular classes;
(5.) total class time of a Virtual Course is equivalent to the student’s regular course, and
(6.) the total number of Virtual Courses enrolled in and attended by a student during
a Grading Period may not exceed Thirty percent (30%) of a student’s total course