Page 110 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 110
Rule 19 - Eligibility and Transfer
Transfer For Primarily Athletic Reasons – A Transfer For Primarily Athletic Reasons includes,
but is not limited to:
a. a transfer to obtain the athletic advantage of a superior, or inferior, athletic team, a superior
athletic facility or a superior coach or coaching staff;
b. a transfer to obtain relief from a conflict with the philosophy or action of an administrator,
teacher or coach relative to athletics;
c. a transfer seeking a team consistent with the student’s athletic abilities;
d. a transfer to obtain a means to nullify punitive action taken by the previous school.
Bona fide change of residence – Determination of what constitutes a ‘Bona Fide’ change
of residence depends upon the facts in each case, however, to be considered, the following
facts must exist:
a. the original residence must be abandoned as a residence; that is, sold, rented or disposed
of, or in the process of being disposed of as a residence and must not be used as a
residence by any member of the student’s immediate family; and
b. the student’s entire immediate family must make the change and take with them the
household goods and furniture appropriate to the circumstances. For eligibility purposes,
a single family unit may not maintain Two (2) or more residences.
c. the change of residence must be genuine, without fraud or deceit, and with permanent
Limited Eligibility – A student who is declared to have Limited Eligibility shall be eligible to
participate immediately in all interschool athletics, provided, however, during the first Three-
hundred Sixty-five (365) days from the date of last participation at a previous school, such
student may not participate in interschool athletics as a member of a Varsity athletic team.
19-1 Initial Promotion Eligibility
When a student is promoted from grade 8, such student may enter grade 9, and have full
eligibility, in a school of such student’s choice provided:
a. such student Enrolls on or before the 15th initial school day at such School; and
b. rule C–20 - Undue Influence has not been violated.
In the event a student attends a junior high or middle school which includes grade 9, full
eligibility shall be at the parent high school in grade 10.
19-2 Continued Eligibility
Once a student obtains full athletic eligibility in a School, such student retains full athletic
eligibility in that School even though such student’s parent(s)/Guardian(s) or the student
moves to another District or Territory, however, such full athletic eligibility is forfeited in such
School in the event:
a. the student Enrolls at and attends another School for Fifteen (15) or more school days; or
b. such student participates in an interschool Contest as a representative of another School;
c. the student obtained full eligibility under the foreign exchange student exception, 19-6.1(m),
and the student continued in attendance at the member School after the initial year of
19-3 Transfer Eligibility - Generally
A student who transfers to a member School shall be ineligible to participate in interschool
athletics for a period of Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days after Enrollment, unless and
until an IHSAA Athletic Transfer Report shall have been ruled on by the Commissioner, or the
Commissioner’s designee.
19-4 Transfer For Primarily Athletic Reasons or the Result of Undue Influence
To preserve the integrity of interschool athletics and to prevent or minimize recruiting,
proselytizing and school ‘jumping’ for athletic reasons, regardless of the circumstances, a
student athlete who transfers from One (1) school to a new school for primarily athletic reasons
or as a result of undue influence will be ineligible at the new School for Three-hundred Sixty-
five (365) days from the date the student Enrolls at the new School. However, if a student
transfers and it is not discovered at that time that the transfer was primarily for athletic reasons