Page 113 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 113
Rule 19 - Eligibility and Transfer
the principals of the sending and receiving schools each affirm in writing that the transfer
is in the best interest of the student and there are no athletic related motives surrounding
the transfer.
m. The student is a qualified foreign exchange student under rule 19-7 who has attended One
(1) member School for One (1) year or less.
n. The student’s parent or legal guardian accepted, and commenced employment as, a
licensed or certified position at the receiving School.
19-6.2 Limited Eligibility When Transfer Without Change of Residence by Parent(s)/
A student who transfers without a corresponding change of residence to a New District or
Territory by the student’s parent(s)/Guardian(s) will have Limited Eligibility at the new School,
provided the transfer was not for primarily athletic reasons or the result of undue influence. The
period of Limited Eligibility at the new School under this section begins on the date of Enrollment
and continues until the first anniversary of the date on which (i) the student last participated in
interscholastic athletic at the previous school(s), or (ii) the student last participated in athletics
as a member of a club or similar team, when the previous school(s) did not offer the sport in
which the student wishes to participate.
Exception: The student will only have Limited Eligibility for Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days
from the date on which the student last participated in interscholastic athletics in the sport(s) in
which the student last participated during the Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days preceding
the transfer. The student will have full eligibility for all other sport(s).
19-6.3 Transfer Options When Transfer Without Change of Residence by Parent(s)/
Upon the occurrence of an event which would permit a student to be declared to have immediate
full eligibility under rule C–19-6.1, the student has the following options.
a. The student may continue eligibility at the most recent Member School prior to the transfer
and pursuant to rule C–19-2;
b. The student may transfer and attempt to obtain full eligibility, at any time prior to the 15th
school day of the next semester or trimester, provided:
(1) when the student seeks full eligibility under rules 19-6.1 (a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),
(l), (m), full eligibility would be available only in the new Public School which Serves
the Student’s Residence or at a Charter or Private School which Serves the Student’s
area of Residence, or at the student’s previous school in which the student initially
established eligibility.
(2) when the student seeks full eligibility under rules 19-6.1(d) or 19-1(j), full eligibility
would be available at any school, or
(3) when the student seeks full eligibility under rule 19-6.1(k), full eligibility would be
available only at the school the student previously attended or at the Public or Charter
High School which Serves the Student’s Residence; or
(4) when the student seeks full eligibility under rule 19-6.1(n), full eligibility would be
available only at the school where the student’s parent or legal Guardian accepted,
and commenced employment as, a licensed or certified position.
c. The student may transfer and attempt to obtain Limited Eligibility in any Public School or
Private School.
Exception: The student will only have Limited Eligibility for Three-hundred Sixty-five (365)
days from the date on which the student last participated in interscholastic athletics in the
sport(s) in which the student last participated during the Three-hundred Sixty-five (365)
days preceding the transfer. The student will have full eligibility for all other sport(s).
19-7 Foreign Exchange Student Eligibility
19-7.1 Requirements to be a Qualified Foreign Exchange Student
A foreign student is a qualified foreign exchange student if he/she meets the following criteria:
a. The student has not completed his/her home Secondary School program;
b. The student meets all IHSAA eligibility rules including the scholarship rule (rule 18) and
the age rule (rule 4);
c. The student has been randomly assigned to his/her host parents and school and neither