Page 147 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 147
Rule 63 - Wrestling
A. No, once a senior has completed her senior volleyball participation, she has no
remaining volleyball eligibility, and will not be counted under the out-of-season
maximum player limitation of rule 15-2.2(a).
See rule 9 which applies to all sports.
The National Federation Wrestling rules shall govern except as so modifi ed by the Committee.
63-2 Maximum Season Contest
The maximum number of season wrestling Contests in which any team or student may
participate, which may include dual meets, triangular meets (double dual) and season
tournaments, but which exclude the IHSAA Tournament Series, shall be Eighteen (18). A
team or student may participate in a season tournament (an interschool wrestling meet which
involved Three (3) or more schools is a tournament) up to a maximum of Six (6) per season,
provided each season tournament counts as Two (2) of the Eighteen (18) season wrestling
Contests, and may participate in a triangular meet (double dual) provided each triangular
meet (double dual) counts as Two (2) of the Eighteen (18) season wrestling Contests. Each
weigh-in for any season tournament shall count as only One (1) weigh-in toward the minimum
requirements for IHSAA Tournament Series qualification.
See rule 50 for Practice and Contest Seasons.
Each time a student enters a meet or tournament, his/her full name and actual weight shall
be recorded in all scorebooks in ink and signed by the referee. The home scorebook shall
be the official book. Two (2) additional team members in each weight class may be weighed
in at meets where the students’ school is participating, for the purpose of meeting minimum
weight classification requirements for the state tournament series.
A student shall be considered as having engaged in a bout if he has offi cially weighed in,
his/her name has been recorded in the offi cial scorebook, and has appeared on the mat in
uniform, willing to wrestle.
Prior to competing in a meet, all wrestlers and Schools must comply with all of the standards
outlined in the Association’s weight control program including but not limited to:
a. Administering skin-fold measurements or body composition analyzation prior to the start
of the competition season (Sat., Week 20),
b. Minimum body fat standards of Seven percent (7%) for males and Twelve percent (12%) for
females, must be met unless both a licensed physician and the parent/s make a successful
appeal as outlined in the Association’s weight control program,
c. When losing weight to reach a projected minimum allowable weight, a student athlete’s
average weight loss shall not be more than One and one-half (1 ½) per week.
Q & A
Wrestling - Generally
Q. 63-1 What is a wrestling dual meet?
A. A dual meet is a wrestling Contest in which a maximum of Two (2) Schools
participate. When Three (3) or more Schools are involved, the Contest is considered
a Tournament. (rule 63-2)
Q. 63-2 How many teams must participate in a meet to be considered a Tournament?
A. When Three (3) or more Schools participate in a Contest, the Contest is considered
a Tournament. (rule 63-2)