Page 151 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 151

Rule 100 - Unified Sports® Rules
         A.     A student with a physical disability, but no intellectual disability, can qualify as a
                Unified Partner Athlete.
         Q. 100-2  Can a student athlete participate in a varsity or sub-varsity Season Contest in boys’
                or girls’ Track and Field and also qualify to be eligible to be listed on the entry list
                for the Unified Track and Field Tournament Series.
         A.     Yes, as long as they were not listed on the entry list for the Boys’ or Girls’ Track and
                Field Tournament Series.
         Q. 100-3  Can a student that was listed on the Boys’ or Girls’ Track and Field Tournament
                Series entry list act as an assistant coach or manager for Unified Track and Field.
         A.     Yes
         Q. 100-4  Can a Unified Sports team be made up of all boys and compete against a team that
                is made up of all girls?
         A.     Yes. Unified Sports teams are completely co-ed and can consist of all boys, all girls
                or any combination of boys and girls as both Unified Student Athletes and Unified
                Student Partners.
         Q. 100-5  Can a Unified Student Athlete compete when they are 21 years old?
         A.     Yes, if the student’s IEP calls for the student to still be enrolled in a member School.
         Q. 100-6  Can a Unified Student Athlete compete for a 5th year in Unified Sports?
         A.     Yes.
         Q. 100-7  Do Unified Student Athletes have to complete the IIHSAA Athletic Physical, Consent,
                Acknowledgement of Risks and Release Form?
         A.     Yes.
         Q. 100-8  If  a  student  is  receiving  special  education  services  through  a  school  district
                cooperative, may that student participate as a Unified Student Athlete in a member
                School other than the member School of enrollment?
         A.     Yes. That student may either compete for their member School of enrollment OR
                home member School.
         Q. 100-9  Must a coach have successfully completed the NFHS course on Unified Sports prior
                to the first interscholastic competition?
         A.     Yes.


                             AUTHORIZED            AUTHORIZED SEASON
                             PRACTICES                  CONTESTS
          Sport         First   Last    Min.     First    Last   Max. No.
                                        Req.                     Scheduled
          Unified  Flag   M-W 5  DTE     10     M-Wk 6   SDST       10
          Unifi ed Track &   M-Wk 36  DTE  10    M-Wk 38  SDST       16
         KEY:  F-Wk 5 – Friday of IHSAA Calendar Week #5
         SDST – Starting Date of Sectional of Tournament Series
         DTE – Date Team Eliminated from Tournament Series
         101-1 Unified Sport Practice.
         There shall be Ten (10) separate days of organized Practice in any Unified Sport under the
         direct supervision of the high school coach staff in that sport by each player preceding the

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