Page 47 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 47

Rule 6 - Awards, Prizes, Gifts

          e.  Only the official IHSAA State Finals championship or runner-up ring may include the IHSAA
            trademark, the designation “IHSAA”, or the name “Indiana High School Athletic Association”.
         6-6 Penalties for Violation of Awards rule
         A violation of the awards rule by a student or member School will result in the penalties
         described in rule 17-7.1.
         Q & A
         Awards, Prizes and Gifts - Generally
         Q. 6-1   What gifts, awards and prizes may athletes receive?
         A.       The IHSAA requires that the giving of awards, prizes, medals, etc., be kept on
                  a reasonable basis at all times, and that such have symbolic value only and be
                  given with the consent of the School principal. (rule 6-1)
         Q. 6-2   Does a student violate the Amateurism Rule or the Awards Rule by participating
                  in an athletic event in an IHSAA Recognized Sport where gifts, awards, prizes,
                  merchandise, cash, etc. are won by or offered to the student, but are not accepted
                  by the student?
         A.       No, it is not the winning of or the availability of a gift, award or prize, but the actual
                  acceptance of the prize which violates the Amateurism Rule or the Awards Rule.
                  (rules 5-2(a), 6-1)
         Q. 6-3    Can a student who is selected as a member of a basketball all-tournament team,
                  receive a plaque without violating the Awards Rule, rule 6?
         A.       Yes, however, if the plaque is presented by a non-School organization, it must
                  be approved by the student’s School principal. (rule 6-5)
         Q. 6-4    A student-athlete participates first in a cross country race sponsored by a member
                  School for school teams, then in another race sponsored by a local bank for any
                  interested individual and finally in a race sponsored by a running club for club
                  members and unattached individuals. In all Three (3) cases, the winners of the
                  races received ribbons & medals, along with a ‘winner’ T-shirts, and then all of
                  the participants receive a ‘participant’ T-shirt. Are these legal awards?
         A.       Yes, the winners of all three races may receive both ribbons and medals, as well
                  as winner’ T-shirts, provided the T-shirt is of nominal (symbolic) value, and the
                  race participants may receive a T-shirt for participation, provided the T-shirt is
                  also of nominal (symbolic) value.  (rule 6-3)
         Q. 6-5   Two girls from the same School participate in a non-school golf tournament in
                  the Summer. One girl places first and receives a trophy. The other girl does not
                  place in the competition, but does receive a golf bag and head covers for making
                  a hole-in-one. Is this legal?
         A.       The first girl may accept her first place trophy. The second girl may not accept the
                  golf bag and head covers since these items are considered athletic merchandise.
                  (rule 6-1)
         Prizes Won in Drawing or Raffles
         Q. 6-6    Can a student at a member School accept gifts and prizes won through drawings,

                  raffl es, 50-50’s, etc. at a Contest hosted by the School?
         A.       Yes, a student can accept gifts and prizes at a School’s Contest, provided they are
                  not won or awarded because of the student’s participation in an event involving
                  an IHSAA Recognized Sport. (rule 6-1)
         School Awards, Prizes and Gifts
         Q. 6-7   Is a member School permitted to give sweaters to athletes?
         A.       Yes, the IHSAA recommends that the giving of prizes, gifts, sweaters, etc., be
                  kept within reasonable bounds at all times and that such have symbolic value
                  only. (rules 6-1, 6-2, 6-3)
         Q. 6-8   May students be awarded a second sweater in the same sport if they transfer to
                  another high school?
         A.       Yes, if they qualify in the new high School. (rule 6-2)
         Q. 6-9   May Schools give awards to students for scholarship, sportsmanship and conduct?
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