Page 50 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 50

Rule 7 - Coaches

               section (e), such Accreditation cannot be reinstated until the completion of the period
               of suspension, and then only if the coach has satisfied the Educational Requirements
               required for Accreditation.
           f.  Revocation and Suspension of Accreditation; Probation.
            (1.)  The Accreditation of a coach may be suspended or revoked, or placed on probation
               if  the  Commissioner  finds that the coach’s conduct  is an anathema  to  the  rules,
               regulations, purposes or goals of the IHSAA
            (2.)  If the Accreditation of a coach is revoked under sub-section (f), such Accreditation
               cannot be reinstated without the coach first applying for reinstatement, and then only
               after a Two (2) year period of revocation.  Reinstatement of Accreditation is then at
               the discretion of the Commissioner.
            (3.)  If the Accreditation of a coach is suspended for a period of time under sub-section
               (f), such Accreditation cannot  be reinstated until the completion  of  the period  of
               suspension, and then only if the coach has satisfied the Educational Requirements
               required for Accreditation.
            (4.)  If the Accreditation of a coach is placed on probation under sub-section (f), the coach
               may continue to coach and remain Accredited; however the coach must immediately
               file a report with the Commissioner outlining any corrective actions taken or to be
               taken by the coach.  In addition the Commissioner may establish limitations and
               requirements for the coach to follow during the period of probation.  Accreditation
               probation shall be noted on a coach’s permanent record with the IHSAA.
         g.  Penalties; fines.
            (1.)   A member School which permits a non-Accredited coach to have Athletic Contact with
               a student will be subject to a penalty or fine to be determined by the Commissioner.
               Any fine assessed may not exceed the amount of One Hundred dollars ($100.00)
               per incident of Athletic Contact.
            (2.)  A non-Accredited coach who has Athletic Contact with a student will be subject to a
               penalty or fine determined by the Commissioner.  Any fine assessed may not exceed
               the amount of One Hundred dollars ($100.00) per incident of Athletic Contact.
         7-2 Coaches’ Required Attendance at rules Interpretation Meetings
         For each sport in which the Association conducts a rules interpretation meeting, the head
         coach for each gender shall be required to attend either in person or via an on-line meeting.
         7-3 Coach May Not Coach at Two Different Schools
         A coach (paid or volunteer) may not coach Two (2) teams at different Schools in the same
         sport during the same sport season.
         Q & A
         Coaches - Generally
         Q. 7-1   Who is regarded as being a coach of an IHSAA Recognized Sport at a member
         A.       A member School coach is an individual who coaches students in grades 9-12
                  in any IHSAA Recognized Sport, and includes all non-teaching coaches and all
                  volunteer coaches. (rule 7-1)
         Q. 7-2    Who may coach a member School team?
         A.       A coach may be a teacher [this would include someone who is regularly licensed,
                  regularly employed and regularly paid as such by the School out of School funds]
                  or may be a non-teacher. (rule 7-1.3)
         Q. 7-3   May a university student teacher assist in coaching while assigned to a member
         A.       Yes, a university student teacher may assist in coaching at a member School.
                  (rule 7-1.3)
         Q. 7-4    May an un-paid volunteer or a non-teacher be hired to coach a member School
         A.       Yes.  An un-paid volunteer or non-teacher may coach at a member School provided
                  the hire is approved by the Principal.

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