Page 67 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 67

Rule 12 - Enrollment

         the semester shall not count as One (1) of the consecutive semesters of enrollment.
          a.  The terms illness and injury do not include those which are caused in whole or part by
            chemical dependency or use, such as the illegal consumption of drugs or alcohol.
          b.  If the withdrawal should occur after the student has, during the semester, participated in
            Twenty percent (20%) or more of the interschool Contests in a sport, then the semester shall
            be counted as a semester of enrollment in all sports falling in that semester’s sports seasons.
            This percentage shall be determined by dividing the total number of interschool Contests
            in which the student participated, during the semester by the total number of interschool
            Contests in  which  the School  team  participated during  the semester (participation by
            student during semester/total number of interschool Contests during the semester).
          c.  If the student participates in more than One (1) level of play, e.g., Varsity, junior-varsity,
            freshman, then the participation percentage shall be arrived at by dividing the total number
            of interschool Contests in which the student participated during the semester by the total
            number of interschool Contests in which the School participated in the level of play in which
            the student primarily participated plus the number of interschool Contests in which the
            student participated outside the student’s primary participation level (number of Contests
            student participated/ [total number of School Contests in primary level of play plus number
            of student Contests outside primary level].)
          d.  A student may participate in a sport for a maximum of Four (4) full seasons.
          e.  All withdrawals must immediately be reported to the Association prior to the withdrawal
            (except in emergency situations), and supported by written verification from a treating
            physician, with an unlimited license to practice medicine, and the student’s principal or the
            principal’s designee. These verifications must specify the circumstances which warrant the
            student’s withdrawal, and the student’s inability to obtain academic credit for the semester.
           f.  Any student and parent wishing to be considered under this exception must consent to an
            independent medical examination of the student, if required, by a physician selected by
            the Association.
         12-4 Enrollment in an Innovative School or an Innovation Network School
          a.  If a student is Enrolled in and attends, Full-time, an Innovative School, the student may
            have eligibility to participate in the athletic program at the Indiana Public School serving
            the student’s residence, provided that:
            (1.)  Prior to participation, the Public School serving the student’s residence accepts the
               student in its athletic program;
            (2.)  the student in conjunction with the Innovative School and the Public School serving
               the student’s residence, provide proof to the IHSAA that the spirit of the eligibility rules
               will not be compromised; and
            (3.)  The student adheres to all IHSAA standards for eligibility at the Innovative School,
               including,  but  not  limited  to,  academic standards,  behavioral  expectations and
               attendance requirements.
          b.  If a student is Enrolled in and attends, Full-time, an Innovation Network School, as defined
            by Indiana Code 20-25.7-5, the student may have eligibility to participate in the athletic
            program at a second Innovation Network School serving the student’s residence, provided
            (1.)  prior to participation, the second Innovation Network School accepts the student in
               its athletic programs;
            (2.)  the first Innovation Network School does not sponsor any athletic programs involving
               any IHSAA Recognized Sports, whatsoever;
            (3.)  the student, in conjunction with the Innovation Network Schools, provide proof to the
               IHSAA that the spirit of the eligibility rules will not be compromised; and
            (4.)  the student adheres to all IHSAA standards for eligibility at the Innovation Network
               Schools, including, but not limited to, academic standards, behavioral expectations
               and attendance requirements.
         12-5 Enrollment in a Non-Public, Non-Accredited School
         If a student is Enrolled in and attends, Full-time, a non-public, non-accredited school the
         student may have eligibility to participate in the athletic program at the Indiana Public School
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