Page 68 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 68

Rule 12 - Enrollment

         serving the student’s residence, provided that:
            (1.)  the student in conjunction with the non-public, non-accredited school and the Public
               School serving the student’s residence, provides proof to the IHSAA that the spirit of
               the eligibility rules will not be compromised; and
            (2.)  the student has been Enrolled in the non-public, non-accredited school for the previous
               Three (3) years in succession; and
            (3.)  the  student  completes  any  state-wide  examinations  authorized  by  the  Indiana
               Department of Education; and
            (4.)  the non-public, non-accredited school agent provides proof of meeting the provisions of
               rule 18-1 of the IHSAA by-laws during the time period between the end of the member
               School’s designated Grading Period and the corresponding certification date; and
            (5.)  the student must be Enrolled in and attending a minimum of One (1) full credit subject
               offered within the member School building.
         12-6 - Enrollment in a Virtual Education School
         If a student attends a Virtual Education School, the student may have eligibility to participate
         in the athletic program at the Public School Serving the Student’s Residence, provided that:
          a.  the student is accepted into the athletic program of the Public School Serving the Student’s
          b.  the Virtual Education School and the student provide evidence to the Public School Serving
            the Student’s Residence that:
            (1)  the student fi rst began high school as a freshman at the Virtual Education School as
               a freshman, or the student has already attended the Virtual Education School for at
               least One (1) full semester, trimester, or the equivalent, and during that semester,
               trimester, or the equivalent, the student was Enrolled in, and successfully passed, the
               necessary number of courses at the Virtual Education School, under the requirements
               of rule 18-1,
            (2.)  the  student is  currently Enrolled Full-time at the Virtual  Education School  and is
               taking the necessary number of courses at the Virtual Education School, under the
               requirements of rule 18-1,
            (3.)  during the time period between the end of the Virtual Public School’s designated
               Grading Period(s) and the Eligibility Certifi cation Date(s) of the Public School Serv-
               ing the Student’s Residence, the student passed the minimum number of full credit
               courses required under rule 18-1,
            (4.)  the student regularly attends the courses.
          c.  The student is Enrolled at and is attending a minimum of One (1) full credit subject offered
            within the Public School Serving the Student’s Residence.

         Q & A
         Attendance - Generally
         Q. 12-1    If a student misses School for a few weeks in order to work, is the student
                    athletically eligible during this time and when the student returns?
         A.         Class attendance is an issue for the member School. If a student is Enrolled
                    and taking sufficient courses, and meeting the requirements of the Contest
                    Rule, rule 9-14, the student may be eligible.
         Q. 12-2    When is a student, who intends to Enroll at a School for her freshman year,
                    eligible to participate in a Contest?
         A.         An incoming freshman is eligible to participate in a Contest as a member of
                    the sports team of a School only after enrolling at the School (rule 12-1), after
                    satisfying the requirements of the Contest Rule (rules 9-14) and the Practice
                    Attendance Rule, (rules 50-1) and after meeting all other IHSAA eligibility rules.
         School of Enrollment
         Q. 12-3    Because of a lack of qualified coaches, a member School is forced to drop
                    gymnastics from its athletic program.  May a member of the gymnastics team
                    practice with and compete in gymnastics for a neighboring member School?

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