Page 84 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 84
Rule 15 - Participation
Eligibility to participate in athletics is only eligible for sub-Varsity participation and
cannot play on the Varsity until the period of Limited Eligibility expires. (rule 19-6.2)
School Contests
Q. 15-7 During the Contest Season can a member School play in a Contest against a college
team, a Y team, an independent team, etc., in an IHSAA Recognized Sports?
A. Yes, a member School may play in a single Contest against a college team, a Y
team, an independent team, etc., in an IHSAA Recognized Sports, but may not
play in a tourney, in a multi-team meet or in a league. In such single Contest the
member School must obey all of the eligibility and contest rules of the IHSAA, and
the Contest shall count in determining the maximum number of Contests in which
the member School may play under the Interschool Sports Rules and Unified Sports
Rule. (rules 9-15, rules 50-63, rules 100-102)
Practice - Generally
Q. 15-8 May an ineligible student Practice with the regular team?
A. Yes, if the student has remaining eligibility in that sport. An ineligible student may
Practice only at home in regular Practice and shall not appear in an athletic uniform
at Contests. (rule 15-1.1(g))
Practice During the Authorized Contest Season With and at Non-School Facilities
Q. 15-9 Can a student practice swimming, during the Authorized Contest Season, at a
neighboring member School when the student’s School of Enrollment does not
offer swimming as part of its athletic programing?
A. Yes, when a student’s School does not offer a sport as part of the School’s athletic
programing, a student may practice at another School provided there is a contractual
arrangement between the Practice School and the School of Enrollment. However,
the student may only Practice at the neighboring School; a student may only compete
in a Contest as a representative of the student’s School of Enrollment. (rule 15-1.1(d)
Practice and Competition During the Authorized Contest Season with Graduates and
Q. 15-10 Can a high school graduate Practice or participate with or against a School team
or a member of that team during the authorized Contest Season?
A. A high school graduate cannot Practice with or participate with a School team or
a member of that team during the authorized Contest Season. However, a high
school graduate can participate as a member of an independent team which may
have a single (non-tournament) Contest with a member School; again, the member
School must obey all of the rules of the IHSAA with respect to such Contest, and the
Contest shall count in determining the maximum number of Contests in which the
member School may play during the authorized Contest Season. Also, this does
not prohibit the member School Administrators, should they desire, from permitting
graduates from using their facilities for conditioning purposes, etc. (rules 9-15, 50-
63, 100-102)
Q. 15-11 May a former student, with a G.E.D. (Graduate Equivalency Diploma), return to
a member School and participate in Practice or play on a sports team during the
authorized Contest Season?
A. No. Under the Graduation Rule (rule 13-1), a G.E.D. is a graduation diploma and a
student with a G.E.D. is considered a high school graduate. A high school graduate
cannot Practice or participate with a School team or be a member of a School team
during the authorized Contest Season.
Q. 15-12 May a student, who dropped out of school and obtained a G.E.D. (Graduate
Equivalency Diploma), return to school and participate in athletics so long as the
student meets all other eligibility requirements?
A. No, a G.E.D. is a graduation diploma. This student would be considered a graduate.
(rule 13-1)
Q. 15-13 Is a game during the authorized Contest Season which involves an alumnus and One
(1) or more students considered an Intramural Contest or an interschool Contest?
A. Such a game is considered an interschool Contest and shall count in determining
the maximum number of Contests in which the students and the School may play
during the authorized Contest Season. (see Definitions, Contest)