Page 87 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 87
Rule 15 - Participation
Q. 15-35 May a student athlete participate in a Team Sport group lesson during the School
Year Out-of-Season?
A. Yes, with the following provisions: (1) the Team Sport athletes may not receive
such instruction from any member of the Member School Coaching Staff (unless
the instruction is in conformity with the Limited Contact Program rules); and (2) no
more than the following number of students who have participated in a Contest
the previous year as a member of One (1) of their School’s teams in that sport
are participating in the group lesson: Basketball and Volleyball — 3; Baseball and
Softball — 5; Football – 6; Soccer — 7. (rule 15-2.2(a))
Q. 15-36 May a student athlete participate in a Non-School group lesson with student athletes
from another state during the Contest Season?
A. No, such contact by either a Team Sport student or an Individual Sport student
with a Non-school student would constitute a competition or Contest and render
the student ineligible for up to Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days. (rule 15-1.1(d),
rule 15-2.1(d))
Q. 15-37 During the School Year Out-of-Season, does a freshman student who did not
previously participate on her School’s volleyball team, count against the maximum
number of students permitted in a volleyball drill at a Camp/Clinic or on a volleyball
Non-School Team?
A. No. If a student was not rostered (and therefore did not participate in a Contest) on the
School’s volleyball team then the student is not considered a volleyball ‘participant’
and the Non-School Team limits of rule 15-2.2(a) and the Camps/Clinics limits of
rule 15-2.2(f) do not apply.
Limited Contact Programs – During the School Year Out-of-Season
Q. 15-38 What is a Limited Contact Program?
A. A Limited Contact Program is a program conducted during the School Year Out-
of-Season in which a School’s gymnasium, playing field or other school facility is
open to all students who attend the School, or who are from a Feeder School of that
School, and the Member School Coaching Staff may offer athletic instruction and
work with student athletes. (rules 15-1.4, 15.2.4, see, Definitions, Limited Contact
Q. 15-39 Can a School conduct activities under a Limited Contact Program which are located
“off-campus”, or at a location which is not owned by or officially controlled by the
A. No, all Limited Contact Programs must be conducted on campus or at a site where
home Contests are regularly held. For example, a School cannot conduct a Limited
Contact Program session at the local batting cage for its students wishing to work
on their baseball skills, but could hold a Limited Contact Program session at a
municipal field if that is where the School regularly holds its home games. (rules
15-1.4, 15-2.4, see, Definitions, Limited Contact Program)
Q. 15-40 Is a student from One (1) School permitted to participate in a Limited Contact Program
at another School. For example, is it okay for a softball player from One (1) School
to go to another School’s Limited Contact Program and Practice softball?
A. No, under IHSAA rules, the only students who may participate in a sponsoring
School’s Limited Contact Program are the students who (i) attend the sponsoring
School, or (ii) are students from a Feeder School of the sponsoring School. (rules
15-1.4, 15-2.4, see, Definitions, Limited Contact Program)
Q. 15-41 May a student who has remaining eligibility participate in a Limited Contact Program
sponsored by a member School on Sunday?
A. No, students may not participate in a Limited Contact Program on Sunday. (rule
Q. 15-42 May a coach play with or against the coach’s student athlete in a Limited Contact
A. Yes. (rules 15-1.4, 15-2.4)
Q. 15-43 May a Team Sports coach work with multiple individuals in the coach’s sport During
School Year Out-of-Season?
A. Yes, but only in a Limited Contact session. (rules 15-1.4, 15-2.4)
Q. 15-44 May a Team Sports coach outline and distribute to players a written recommended
individual workout schedule for the athletes to use during the off-season?
A. Yes.