Page 4 - 2017-18 School Directory
P. 4
A Letter From The Com1nissioner
over 160,000 Hoosier student-athletes. ll is our belief that participation in these activities '
The Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc. is honored to provide support and
guidance to our 410 member schools in their offerings of education-based athletics to
will shape the future leaders of our society while providing a fabric that will unite
communities across our great state.
The educational knowledge gained through participation in interscholastic athletics is
both critical and unique. Lessons or self~discipline, teamwork, tolerance, dedication,
sportsmanship and work ethic are all values acquired through participation in education-
based athletics. These attributes along with the understanding that victory is not final and
that defeat is not fatal allows our young people to acquire valuable life lessons which arc
applicable in the real world.
Integrity is a characteristic that is most important to the TI-lSJ\A. An uncompromising
adherence to the principles of fair play, impartiality and good sportsmanship are at the
center of our core values. Our objectives have remained constant for over a century
and take residence in the promotion of wholesome, amateur interscholastic athletic (
opportunities for the snident-athlctes of our member schools. lt is why we promote the (
I I-ISAA as Pure Spirit, Pure Sport, Pure Indiana.
The Association staff is most appreciative for the opporrunity to serve our member
schools and wi ll continue to provide the excellence in service our stakeholders have (
come to expect. On behalf of the entire IF-lSAA fami ly, we extend our best wishes for
a successful school year. We hope you are looking forward to the events of the corning (
year with the same enthusiasm and energy that is held by the I HSAA staff and Board of (
~~¼~ (
Bobby Cox