Page 24 - 2024 Annual Report
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t ransfer Po L i CY                                                                                                                                                                                              t ransfer Po L i CY







                                                                                                                                                                                                        Full Eligibility

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Limited Eligibility


                                                                                                                                                                                    Students who receive limited eligibility, or
                                                                                                                                                     15,115 (92.12%)                are denied eligibility are only ineligible in
                                                                                                                                        15,000                                      the sport they played in the previous year.
                                                                                                                                        14,000                                      The ruling does not apply to other sports.
               A Strong Success Rate                     More than nine times out of                                                    13,000                                      This is one of 26 changes to the bylaws
               for a Decade                                                                                                             11,000                                      over the past 10 years designed to find a
                                                         10, the Association grants                                                     10,000                                      path to eligibility.
               IHSAA transfer bylaws are not arbitrary                                                                                  9,000
               dictates. They’re democratic decisions shaped  student-athletes permission                                               8,000
               by the collective wisdom of the membership to                                                                            7,000                                     From 2018–19 through 2022-23, there
               ensure that competition remains pure. In fact,  for full eligibility.                                                    6,000                                     have been a total of 16,408 student-athlete
               within the last decade, the IHSAA has offered                                                                            5,000                                     transfers. During those school years, 15,115
               nine new pathways to eligibility.         This success rate has been maintained for a                                    4,000                                     student-athletes received full eligibility while
                                                         decade because transfer bylaws are written                                     3,0000                                    1,164 of them received limited eligibility. Only
               That’s because the IHSAA never wants to   in the best interest of all individuals, all                                   2,000            1,164 (7.09%)            129 student-athletes were deemed ineligible.
               deny eligibility for student-athletes. And it   student-athletes, and all school communities                             1,000                                     That’s less than 1 percent of all transfers over
               rarely does.                              and their supporters.                                                            0                   129 (0.79%)         the past six years.

        24     INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL A THLETIC A S SOCIA TION          ANNUAL REPORT          2024                                                                 INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL A THLETIC A S SOCIA TION          ANNUAL REPORT         2024         25
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