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                                    11rectors and the adoption thereby of a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment and directing that it be submitted to a vote of the members entitled to vote in respect thereof at a designated meeting of the members, which may be an annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership. If the resolution shall direct that the proposed amendment is to be submitted at an annual meeting, notice of the submission of the proposed amendment shall be included in notice of the annual meeting. If the resolution shall direct that the proposed amendment is to be submitted at a special meeting, such special meeting shall be called by the resolution proposing the amendment and notice of the meeting shall be given at the time and in the manner provided by said act.An amendment so proposed shall be adopted upon receiving the affi rmative vote of twothirds (2/3) of the votes entitled to be cast in regard to the amendment.Section 2. a. By-Laws Amendments. The By-Laws may be amended from time to time by an affi rmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors. b. Proposed Amendments. A proposal for an amendment may be submitted by any member school principal, any member of the Board of Directors or by the Commissioner. The proposed amendment for the annual meeting must be presented to the IHSAA offi ce prior to March 1. The IHSAA offi ce will notify the member school principals of the proposed amendments. Any such proposal shall be considered and acted upon by the Board of Directors. c. Notice to Members - The Commissioner shall cause written notice by mail to be given to all school members of the adoption by the Board of Directors of any such amendment. If, within ninety (90) days after the giving of such notice by the Commissioner, he receives a written petition or petitions signed by at least thirty (30) member high school principals from each of the three IHSAA Districts requesting a vote of approval or disapproval of such current amendment, the Commissioner shall promptly submit by mail such current amendment to the members for a vote of approval or disapproval on forms provided by him. If a majority of the Membership shall vote disapproval of the amendment, it shall not become eff ective as such; otherwise it shall remain in force; provided, however, any such disapproval shall not prejudice any action already taken in reliance on such amendment. d. Secretary Authority. The Secretary of the Corporation is authorized, without prior action by the Board of Directors, to (i) draft and publish interpretations of the By-Laws through questions and answers, (ii) draft and publish defi nitions of terms contained in the By-Laws and (iii) draft and make corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling and typographical errors in the text of the By-Laws. Such action taken by the Secretary shall have immediate force and eff ect but shall be subject to prompt ratifi cation by the Board of Directors. (Amended pursuant to an emergency by-law amendment of the Executive Committee on May 4, 2020.)Q & AQ. 1 Does an Executive Staff member have a vote at a Board of Director%u2019s meeting or at an Executive Committee meeting?A. No. An Executive Staff member is not a member of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, and has no vote in a matter considered by either body. (Art. IV, Sect. 5, 6).Q. 2 Who may examine the fi nancial records of the IHSAA?A. The IHSAA%u2019s C.P.A. fi rm, a member of the IHSAA Board of Directors, a member of the IHSAA Executive Committee and an IHSAA member School principal may examine the fi nancial records of the IHSAA.Q. 3 How often is an audit made?A. Annually.Q. 4 Who is eligible to run for and to be elected to the Board of Directors?A. An individual from an appropriate District (Art. IV, Sect. 3) and who meets the following criteria may be elected to the Board:a. For one of the Twelve (12) %u2018open%u2019 seats the individual must be either an Article VI - Amendments
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