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                                    13Part I: Defi nitions As used in the By-Laws, including the Boys Interschool Sports rules, the Girls Interschool Sports rules, the Unifi ed Sports%u00ae rules and the Junior High School Interschool rules, the following shall apply:Accredited School: An accredited Indiana School is one (i) which has Full Accreditation or Freeway Accreditation from the Indiana Department of Education or (ii) which is fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement or by another national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the Indiana Department of Education for purposes of the School Scholarship Program under Ind. Code %u00a720-51. An accredited non-Indiana School is one which is recognized as being accredited by the department of education of the state in which that School is domiciled.Assigner: One who schedules Offi cials for Contests. Association: Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc. Birth Gender: The Gender of a student at birth.Boarding School: A School providing housing and meals.Boarding School Student: A student who both attends and receives housing and meals from a Boarding School.Bona Fide: Genuine, without fraud or deceit, with permanent intent.Bona Fide Change of Residences: A Bona Fide Change of Residence depends upon the facts in each case, however, to be considered, the following facts must exist: a. the original residence must be abandoned as a residence; that is, sold, rented or disposed of, or in the process of being disposed of as a residence and must not be used as a residence by any member of the student%u2019s immediate family; and b. the student%u2019s entire immediate family must make the change and take with them the household goods and furniture appropriate to the circumstances. For eligibility purposes, a single family unit may not maintain Two (2) or more residences. c. the change of residence must be genuine, without fraud or deceit, and with permanent intent.Calendar Week: Monday through Saturday.Class: Grouping of Schools which participate in a Tournament Series based on the School%u2019s enrollment in grades 9 through 12, and the Schools%u2019 previous Tournament Series success.Clinic: an organized group instruction or practice involving a sport where an overnight stay is not involved.Coaching Accreditation: Accredited Coach: The status of a coach (i) who has met the educational requirements for coaching IHSAA Recognized Sports at a Member School, (ii) who has not violated certain state licensure and disciplinary statutes and (iii) whose conduct conforms to the rules, regulations, purposes and goals of the IHSAA.Commissioner: Chief Administrative Offi cer of the IHSAA.Committee: Executive Committee of the IHSAA Board of Directors.Conditioning Program: A program conducted only in a School%u2019s facility, designed for and limited to activities which promote physical fi tness such as weight lifting, running and aerobic exercising, and excludes game drills. Specifi c equipment related to a particular sport, i.e. balls, goals, nets, etc. generally cannot be used in a Conditioning Program. However, during the School Year Out-of-Season, beginning M - WK26, a student involved in baseball may throw a baseball as a part of the student%u2019s Conditioning Program and a student involved in softball may throw a softball as a part of the student%u2019s Conditioning Program; the throws should be part of a game of catch between Two (2) students using gloves and should not involve a pitching mound or a pitching circle, an actual or simulated batter or any type of pitching instruction.Contest: An organized assembling of persons for athletic competition, with or against individuals not presently attending a student%u2019s School. The following is a non-exclusive list of indicia that an assembly is a Contest: pre-arrangement; direct or indirect involvement of a coach; scores and/or statistics are kept or recorded; time is kept; game officials are used; Defi nitions
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