Page 10 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 10

Articles of Incorporation

                              Articles of Incorporation
                          Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc.
         On April 26, 1976, Phil N. Eskew, Ward E. Brown and Charles F. Maas, as incorporators,
         executed and filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Indiana, Articles of
         Incorporation for Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc., under the provisions of the
         Indiana Not-For-Profit Corporation Act of 1971. The Articles provide in substance:

         FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc.
         SECOND:  The purposes for which the Corporation is formed are: To continue the activities of
         its unincorporated predecessor, the “Indiana High School Athletic Association” with an initial
         membership composed of the present existing members of its unincorporated predecessor;
         to  encourage,  regulate,  and  give  direction  to  wholesome  amateur  interschool  athletic
         competition between the schools who are members of the Corporation. All such interschool
         athletic competition coming under regulation by this Corporation shall be subservient to and
         complementary to the academic or curricular functions of the member schools which are their
         primary purposes. To assure that the program of interschool athletic competition remains
         steadfast to the principles of wholesome amateur athletics and subservient to its primary
         academic or curricular functions of education of the member schools, the Corporation shall
         cooperate with agencies vitally concerned with the health and educational welfare of Secondary
         School students; furnish protection against exploitation of member schools of their students;
         determine qualifications of individual contestants, coaches and officials; and provide written
         communications to establish standards for eligibility, competition and sportsmanship.

         THIRD:  The period during which the Corporation shall continue is perpetual.
           Section 1. The name and address of the Resident Agent in charge of the  Corporation’s
         principal office is Ward E. Brown, 812 Circle Tower Building, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
           Section 2. Principal Office. The post office address of the principal office of the Corporation
         is 812 Circle Tower Building, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
           Section 1. The initial Board of Directors is composed of fifteen members. The exact number
         of directors shall be prescribed from time to time in the By-Laws of the Corporation.
           Section 2. Names and Addresses of the initial Board of Directors:
           William T. Case, Monroe City, IN; Dale E. Cox, Lakeville, IN; Wayne Daugherty, Vevay, IN;
         Keith Davis, North Liberty, IN; Charles Hilton, Richmond, IN; William Johnson, Bedford, IN;
         Michael Leffler, Beech Grove, IN; Doyle Lehman, Berne, IN; Amzie Miller, Jr., New Carlisle,
         IN; William H. Moorhead, Versailles, IN; Emerson Mutterspaugh, Crawfordsville, IN; Edward
         M. Raber, Dale, IN; Robert M. Straight, Huntington, IN; Billy Lee Walker, Carmel, IN; Donald
         S. Weeks, Columbia City, IN.
         SIXTH:  The names and addresses of the incorporators of the Corporation are as follows:
         Phil N. Eskew, Indianapolis, IN; Ward E. Brown, Crawfordsville, IN;
         Charles F. Maas, Indianapolis, IN.
         SEVENTH:  This Corporation will receive all assets and assume all liabilities of its predecessor
         organization, the Indiana High School Athletic Association, a common law association with its
         office at 812 Circle Tower Building, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. The estimated value of the
         property taken over is $500,000.00.
         EIGHTH:  All provisions defining, limiting or regulating the powers and rights of the Directors,
         members, or any class of members including the right to vote and provision for the regulation
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