Page 15 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 15

Article IV - Administration

         Election Date  Term   Northern District   Southern District   State Wide
         Dec. 2027   2028-31   Female, Minority & Urban Seats  Female, Minority & Urban Seats  Private Seat

         Election Date  Term   District I   District II       District III
         Dec. 2028   2029-32   Classes A & 3A   Classes 2A & 4A   Classes A & 3A
          b.  All  elective  terms  of  Director  members  shall  be  for  three  years,  beginning  on  July  1
            following election, or for the remainder of an unexpired term in case of a vacancy.
          c.  Candidate Eligibility
            (1)  All directors must be administrators or full-time teachers of grade 9 or above from a
               member school in good standing or central offi ce administrators. If from a multiple

               high school district, central offi ce administrators class will be determined by the larg-

               est high school enrollment in the corporation.
            (2)  A minority director must be an individual other than a white male or female.
            (3)  To qualify as a nominee, an individual must be from the class of school from which the
               selection is to be made in that particular year.  Each name must be submitted on an
               offi cial nominating petition requested in writing from the Commissioner, which must

               be signed by fi ve member school principals in the District, in which the nominee’s
               school is located, Two (2) of which must be in the nominee’s class of schools.  The
               completed petition must be on fi le in the IHSAA offi ce on or before November 15 prior

               to the election.  A petition for a female, minority or urban seat must contain verifi cation
               that the nominee is an eligible candidate for the seat. No candidate may run for Two
               (2) seats during the same election.
            (4)  The Commissioner shall send ballots listing all nominees to all principals of member
               schools in good standing in a District electing a board member which shall constitute
               the electorate.  The individual receiving the highest number of votes for a board seat
               shall be declared duly elected by the Committee, which shall constitute the canvassing
               board.  In case of a tie for the winner, a re-vote between the tied individuals shall be
               conducted by the Commissioner with a return date designated by the Committee.
          d.  Whenever Director member/s fail to meet the aforementioned eligibility requirements, such
            Membership automatically ceases.  However, Directors may serve out their term as long as
            they remain in their original District when:
            (1)  their school changes classes due to consolidation or enrollment fl uctuation;
            (2)  member moves to a school of a diff erent class; or
            (3)  member becomes a superintendent with more than one member high school in District
               or territory
          e.  Vacancies on the Directors may be fi lled by the Directors, the appointees to serve until the
            successors chosen at the next annual election take offi ce.  Such persons must be from the

            same District and class member school as the member originally chosen.
           f.  The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the members of the Board of Directors.
          g.  No member of the Directors shall be eligible for a longer term on the Board of Directors than
            the one being served until the expiration of such term.
          h.  All elections shall take place each year between December 1 and December 10, all votes
            being submitted to the Commissioner on ballots prepared by him.  A ballot must be received

            in the IHSAA offi ce on or before December 10 to be counted.  Such ballots shall be open for
            inspection by the candidate or the principal of any member school.
           i.  The annual meeting of the Directors shall be held on Monday of Week 44. Special meetings
            may be called as needed.  At these meetings, proposals submitted by a member school
            principal, the Commissioner, or a Director will be acted upon along with other business.
           j.  Any Special Meeting of the Board of Directors may be attended by Directors by means of
            any form of electronic voice communication, provided that all Directors can simultaneously
            hear the proceedings and be heard by all the other Directors in attendance at the meeting.
            A quorum for any meeting so held shall be computed on the basis of all persons in voice
            contact with each other.  Any meeting so held shall be a formal meeting of the Board of
            Directors for all purposes, and any business may be transacted at such meeting that could
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