Page 14 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 14
Article IV - Administration
Ripley, Rush, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Sullivan, Switzerland, Union,
Vanderburgh, Vigo, Warrick, Washington and Wayne.
c. For purposes of electing female, minority and urban representatives, the state shall be
districted by counties into the following Districts:
Northern District--Adams, Allen, Benton, Blackford, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, DeKalb,
Delaware, Elkhart, Fountain, Fulton, Grant, Howard, Huntington,
Jasper, Jay, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Lake, LaPorte, Madison, Marshall,
Miami, Newton, Noble, Porter, Pulaski, Randolph, St. Joseph, Starke,
Steuben, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Vermillion, Wabash, Warren, Wells,
White and Whitley.
Southern District --Bartholomew, Boone, Brown, Clark, Clay, Crawford, Daviess,
Dearborn, Decatur, Dubois, Fayette, Floyd, Franklin, Gibson,
Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, Henry, Jackson,
Jeff erson, Jennings, Johnson, Knox, Lawrence, Marion, Martin,
Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Ohio, Orange, Owen, Parke, Perry,
Pike, Posey, Putnam, Ripley, Rush, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Sullivan,
Switzerland, Union, Vanderburgh, Vigo, Warrick, Washington and
Section 2. Classes
a. For purposes of election and representation only there shall be four classes of high schools
in each Corporation district. These classes may be modifi ed by authority of the Directors.
b. The determination of the class of any high school shall be based on its enrollment, in
grades nine through twelve, and shall coincide with the most recent classifi cation used
for the four class tournament alignment.
c. An urban school is any school who meets at least Two (2) of the following criteria:
(1.) The high school is in a school corporation with 20% or more students on free or
reduced lunch.
(2.) The high school is in a school corporation that enrolls 5% or more limited English
profi cient students as shown on the IDOE language minority totals.
(3.) The high school is in a county with a population greater than 70,000.
For any school wishing to be classifi ed as an urban school, the principal must send a letter of
endorsement by the school board by September 1 of any given year. Any school designated
as an urban school shall remain so designated unless it withdraws or fails to meet the
defi nition.
Section 3. Board of Directors
a. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of nineteen board seats. Twelve board seats
shall be fi lled by any qualifi ed individual (open seats), and seven board seats shall be
fi lled by Two (2) qualifi ed female representatives, Two (2) qualifi ed minorities, Two (2)
qualifi ed urban school representatives and one qualifi ed Private School representative.
Board of Directors’ elections are scheduled as follows:
Election Date Term Northern District Southern District State Wide
Dec. 2021 2022-25 Female, Minority & Urban Seats Female, Minority & Urban Seats Private Seat
Election Date Term District I District II District III
Dec. 2022 2023-26 Classes A & 3A Classes 2A & 4A Classes A & 3A
Dec. 2023 2024-27 Classes 2A & 4A Classes A & 3A Classes 2A & 4A
Election Date Term Northern District Southern District State Wide
Dec. 2024 2025-28 Female, Minority & Urban Seats Female, Minority & Urban Seats Private Seat
Election Date Term District I District II District III
Dec. 2025 2026-29 Classes A & 3A Classes 2A & 4A Classes A & 3A
Dec. 2026 2027-30 Classes 2A & 4A Classes A & 3A Classes 2A & 4A