Page 103 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 103
Rule 19 - Eligibility and Transfer
b. such student participates in an interschool Contest as a representative of another School;
c. the student obtained full eligibility under the foreign exchange student exception, 19-6.1(m),
and the student continued in attendance at the member School after the initial year of
19-3 Transfer Eligibility - Generally
A student who transfers to a member School shall be ineligible to participate in interschool
athletics for a period of Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days after Enrollment, unless and
until an IHSAA Athletic Transfer Report shall have been ruled on by the Commissioner, or the
Commissioner’s designee.
19-4 Transfer For Primarily Athletic Reasons or the Result of Undue Influence
To preserve the integrity of interschool athletics and to prevent or minimize recruiting,
proselytizing and school ‘jumping’ for athletic reasons, regardless of the circumstances, a
student athlete who transfers from One (1) school to a new school for primarily athletic reasons
or as a result of undue influence will be ineligible at the new School for Three-hundred Sixty-
five (365) days from the date the student Enrolls at the new School. However, if a student
transfers and it is not discovered at that time that the transfer was primarily for athletic reasons
or the result of undue influence, then the student will be ineligible for Three-hundred Sixty-
five (365) days commencing on the date that the Commissioner or Commissioner’s designee
rules the student ineligible.
19-5 Eligibility When Transfer With Change Of Residence By Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
A student who transfers with a corresponding change of residence to a New District or Territory
by the student’s custodial parent(s)/guardian(s):
a. will have full eligibility at the new School if the change of residence was Bona Fide,
b. will have limited eligibility at the new School if the change of residence was not Bona Fide,
c. will have no eligibility at the new School if the residential change, the selection of the new
residence or the transfer itself was for primarily athletic reasons or the result of undue
19-5.1 Transfer Options When Transfer With Change of Residence by Parent(s)/
When a student’s parents(s)/Guardian(s) make a Bona Fide change of residence to a New
District or Territory, the student has the following options:
a. the student may continue eligibility at his/her original school pursuant to rule C–19-2; or
b. The student may transfer and attempt to obtain full eligibility at the Public School which
Serves the Student’s Residence, at the Charter School which Serves the Student’s
Residence, or at a Private School which Serves the Student’s Residence, at any time prior
to the 15th school day of the next semester or trimester (Note: a School does not ‘serve’
the residence of a student who Enrolls at that School under an open enrollment program
or under a similar program); or
c. the student may transfer and attempt to obtain Limited Eligibility in any Public School or
Private School which does not serve the student’s area of residence.
19-5.2 Transfer Pending a Move
When a student transfers in anticipation of the change of residence by such student’s
parent(s)/Guardian(s) to a New District or Territory, the student shall have Limited Eligibility
until such Bona Fide change of residence has actually been made and the student has been
declared eligible by the Commissioner or his designee unless this requirement is waived by
the Commissioner or his designee. For a waiver to be considered, the student shall provide
proof which may include but is not limited to an executed and binding purchase agreement
contract or lease.
19-6 Transfer Eligibility Without Change Of Residence By Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
19-6.1 Eligibility When Transfer Without Change of Residence by Parent(s)/Guardian(s)