Page 108 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 108

Rule 19 - Eligibility and Transfer

                    athletically eligible?
         A.         Yes. Once a student becomes eligible in a School, the student retains eligibility
                    in that School even though the student’s parents may have move to another
                    District or Territory.  (rule 19-2)
         Q. 19-6    Prior  to the  day  an  out-of-state transfer  student  enrolled  at  a  Receiving
                    School (School A) for the fall semester, the student had turned in a completed
                    Consent and Release Certificate at another local member School, School B,
                    and participated in Ten (10) days of football Practice at School B?  What must
                    the transfer student do in order to become athletically eligible to compete in a
                    football contest for School A?
         A.         First, the student will have to initiate an IHSAA Transfer Report with the School
                    A, and since the student was deemed to have enrolled at School B (by practicing
                    with the football team), the Transfer Report must be submitted to both School B,
                    as well as to the students original out-of-state School(s), (rule 19-8); the IHSAA
                    will then have to rule on the transfer before the student is eligible at School
                    A.    Second, since a Consent and Release Certificate needs to be on file with
                    the School of Enrollment, the student will need to get the completed Consent
                    and Release Certificate from School B and file it with the School A.  Last, the
                    Ten (10) pre-participation Practice sessions from School B should satisfy the
                    pre-participation Practice Attendance  rule, rules 50-1, 101-1,  however, the
                    student will have to have the School B send verification to School A showing
                    that student had Ten (10) Practices in.
         Q.19-7     A student lives with the student’s father in a public school district, and moves
                    to live with the student’s mother who lives in another public school district. The
                    student wants to enroll at a Private School which is located in the next county,
                    and which does not Serve the residence of the student’s mother. Does student
                    qualify for full eligibility at the Private School?
         A.         Probably no. Here, under rule 19-6.3, the student qualifies for full eligibility
                    only at the School which Serves the Residence of the mother and in this case,
                    student would not qualify for full eligibility at the Private School, unless the
                    Private School had officially establish a Territory (the geographic area from
                    which students are drawn for attendance, as established by the Diocese or
                    other governing board) and the Territory included the area where the mother’s
                    residence was located; if not, then the Territory was, by default, the town limits
                    of the town where the Private School was located, or the county if the Private
                    School was not in a town, and student would therefore have limited eligibility
                    at the Private School. (rule 19- 6.3, see, Definitions, School which Serves the
         Q.19-8     A student moves from the residence of the student’s mother to live with the
                    student’s father (separated from student’s mother), and want to enroll at either
                    a Charter School located in the next county from where the father’s residence
                    is located, or at a private School, also in the next county. Can the student get
                    full eligibility at either School under rule 19-6.3?
         A.         The student will likely have limited eligible at the Private School but full eligibility
                    at the Charter School. The student only qualifies for limited eligibility at the
                    Private School unless the Private School’s governing body had designated
                    the area where the father’s residence is located as being in its official Territory,
                    in which case the student could qualify for full eligibility because the Private
                    School ‘Serves’ (as defined in the Definitions, above) the father’s residence.
                    Indiana Charter Schools’ districts are determined by enabling legislation (Ind.
                    Code §20-24-5-1) which states that Charter Schools are open to all students
                    who resides in Indiana, and that makes a Charter School’s Territory the entire
                    state of Indiana. Since student‘s father residence is in Indiana, the student
                    would qualify for full eligibility at the Charter School. (rule 19-6.3)
         Transfer Reports
         Q. 19-9    May a transfer student Practice and participate in interscholastic Contests

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