Page 104 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 104

Rule 19 - Eligibility and Transfer

         A student who transfers without a corresponding change of residence to a New District or
         Territory by the student’s parent(s)/Guardian(s) will have immediate full athletic eligibility at the
         new School, provided the transfer was not for primarily athletic reasons or the result of undue
         influence, and there has been provided to the Association reliable, credible and probative
         evidence that One (1) or more of the following criteria has been met.
          a.  The transfer is a result of the student being a ward of a court; for purposes of this rule, a
            student under a guardianship is not a ward of the court.
          b.  The student transfers with a corresponding change of residence by the student into a New
            District or Territory to reside with a parent. Moves between divorced or separated parents
            may meet this criterion; however, more than Two (2)  moves between such parents will not
            meet this criterion unless the reasons for the move(s) are outside the control of the parents
            and student and are significant, substantial and/or compelling. Likewise, any student who
            repeatedly seeks full eligibility under this criterion will not qualify for full eligibility unless
            the reasons for the move(s) are outside the control of the parents and student and are
            significant, substantial and/or compelling,  In all cases under this criterion, full eligibility
            will not be approved if the approval will result in a student participating in more than One
            (1) season of a sport during a school year, or will result in a student participating in more
            than Four (4) seasons of a sport during a student’s Four (4) years of high school.
          c.  The student transfers with a corresponding change of residence by the student into a New
            District or Territory to reside with a Guardian or in a foster home and the residence change
            is the result of:
              (1.)  the student becoming an orphan; or
              (2.)  an extremely negative non-athletic condition, peculiar to the student, which is caused
               by unforeseen, unavoidable and uncorrectable events, which are beyond the election,
               control or creation of the student, the student’s family, the student’s supporters, the
               student’s coaches and the student’s school. A guardianship established for the purpose
               of making a student eligible will not be accepted.
          d.  The student’s former school closed. Note: See rule 19-6.3b
          e.  The student’s former school(s) attended during the entire Three-hundred Sixty-five (365)
            days prior to the Enrollment at the new School were not member school(s) of the local
            state high school athletic association or were not accredited by the local state accrediting
           f.  The student transferred pursuant to a school board mandate for redistricting.
          g.  The student Enrolled and/or attended, in error, a wrong school and a transfer application
            is made promptly when discovered.
          h.  The student transferred from a correctional school.
           i.  The student is emancipated and has established a Bona Fide residence in a New District
            or Territory.
           j.  The student did not participate in any interschool Contest as a representative of another
            school during the preceding Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days. This exception does not
            apply if the school(s) the student attended during the preceding Three-hundred Sixty-five
            (365) days did not offer the sport in which the student wishes to participate, interscholastic
            or non-interscholastic, and such student participated in athletic competition in such sport
            individually or as a member of a club or similar team, during the preceding Three-hundred
            Sixty-five (365) days.
          k.  The student transfers from a non-athletic association member School with a corresponding
            change of residence by the student to reside with a parent and/or legal Guardian whom
            the student had previously resided. Note: See rule 19-6.3b(3)
           l.  The student (i) transfers from a member Boarding School with a corresponding move by
            the student to the residence of the student’s parent/s or (ii) when the student transfers to
            a member Boarding School, the student established, to the reasonable satisfaction of the
            Commissioner, his designee or the Committee, that (a) the transfer is in the best interest of
            the student, and (b) there are no athletic related motives surrounding the transfer, and (c)
            the principals of the sending and receiving schools each affirm in writing that the transfer
            is in the best interest of the student and there are no athletic related motives surrounding
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