Page 126 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 126

Rule 52 - Basketball

            (2)   Eighty (80) quarters plus One (1) tournament; plus One (1) additional quarter for
               every instance where a player participates in Five (5) quarters in the same session.
            (3)   Eighty (80)  and a maximum of Three (3) season tournaments (excluding IHSAA
               Tournament Series) provided the quarters played in the second (2nd) tournament
               and the third (3rd) tournament are included in the Eighty (80)  quarter limitation; plus
               One (1) additional quarter for every instance where a player participates in Five (5)
               quarters in the same session.
          b.  For purposes of this section a ‘session’ occurs when a junior varsity and Varsity games
            are played on One (1) admission ticket without clearing the gymnasium.
          c.  No player may participate in more than Five (5) quarters in one session.
          d.  If a School schedules a junior varsity game and a Varsity game on successive days, a
            player may participate in a maximum of Five (5) quarters in the Two (2) games combined
            as if the games were scheduled in the same session.
          e.  No team or player may participate in more than Eight (8) quarters in One (1) calendar day.
            A record of the quarters played in basketball by individual players shall be kept on file in
            the principal’s office at all times for use in certifying eligibility of players.
           f.  See rule 50 for Practice and Contest Seasons.
         52-4 Special Pre-Season Events
          a.  During the pre-season a School may participate in either (i) One (1) basketball Controlled
            Scrimmage or (ii) Two (2) quarters in One (1) basketball Jamboree.
          b.  Controlled Scrimmage.  A School may schedule One (1) basketball Controlled Scrimmage
            with another IHSAA member School no earlier than the day following the fifth (5th) day of
            Practice and no later than the second (2nd) calendar day prior to the first (1st) scheduled
            Season Contest.
          c.  Jamboree.  A School may participate in One (1) basketball Jamboree no earlier than the
            day following the fi fth (5th) day of Practice and no later than the second (2nd) calendar day
            prior to the fi rst (1st) scheduled Season Contest.  Each school shall be limited to playing
            no more than Two (2) quarters, Eight (8) minutes in length, Varsity level only.
         No interschool basketball games shall be played by students or Schools prior to Monday of
         IHSAA calendar week 21, and after date team is eliminated from IHSAA tourney competition.
         A prospective student-athlete who engages in a Practice, scrimmage, tryout or otherwise
         demonstrates his athletic ability either on or off  the campus for a college during their high
         school season shall be considered in violation of this rule. (See rule 15-1.2f)
         Basketball  teams  and  players shall  be  limited  to Two (2)  week  night  games  per  week
         exclusive of conference and county tournaments.  A week night game is defi ned as a night
         game when school is scheduled the next day.  This rule shall not apply when weather related
         postponements, etc., require games to be rescheduled.
         All interschool basketball tourneys, other than the IHSAA tournament series, shall be held
         prior to sectionals each year.
          a.  No interschool basketball tournament which involves more than Four (4) schools shall be
            held without the sanction of the Association except where all the schools are members of
            the same conference or located in the same county.
          b.  Teams or  players  participating in a  tourney which  extends into  Two  (2)  consecutive
            weekends shall not be permitted a second tournament.
          c.  No tourney shall be scheduled to extend over more than Two (2) consecutive weekends.
         White colored jerseys will be worn by the home team; dark colored jerseys by the visiting team.
         Q & A
         Basketball - Generally
         Q. 52-1     Is there a limit to the number of players a coach may use in a basketball game?
         A.         No, there is no limit to the number of players during a Season Contest, but
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