Page 122 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 122

Rule 51 - Baseball

         Q. 50-3      In counting the number of Season Contest and Tournaments, does a School
                    include the IHSAA Tournament Series?
         A.         No,  the  maximum  contest  limitation    applies  to  Season  Contests  and
                    Tournaments and does not include the IHSAA Tournament Series. (rule 50-3)
         Q. 50-4      Must a student who participates in two sports during a season, such as a diver
                    who also participates in wrestling, or a soccer player who also runs cross
                    country, also meet the 75%/25% minimum for Individual Sports, rule 50-4,
                    when the reason a student is unable to participate in enough Season Contests
                    is because of a confl ict with the student’s participation in the student’s other
         A.         Yes.  While rule 50-4 does contain a waiver provision for instances when a
                    student is unable to meet the 75%/25% minimum because of circumstances
                    beyond the control of the student, the IHSAA does not consider the inability to
                    meet the 75%/25% minimum because of a student’s participation in another
                    sport to be a circumstance which is beyond the control of the student.
         Controlled Scrimmages and Jamborees
         Q. 50-5      Is a  Controlled Scrimmage  considered  to be a  Practice or an  interschool
         A.         A Controlled Scrimmage  (an  approved  activity  whereby Two (2) member
                    Schools work out against one another under IHSAA guidelines and under the
                    direct supervision of their respective coaches) does not count as a Practice
                    or as an interschool Contest.  (rule 50-6)
         Q. 50-6      How many separate days of Practices must a student have prior to a Jamboree?
         A.         A student must have had Five (5) separate days of Practice (in football it must
                    be Five (5) days of unrestricted full contact Practice) prior to the day of the
                    Jamboree. (rule 50-7)

         RULE 51 – BASEBALL
         Note: See rule 9 which applies to all sports.
         The National Federation Baseball rules shall govern except as so modifi ed by the Committee.
         See rule 50 for Practice and Contest Seasons.
         The  maximum number of season baseball games in which for any team or student may
         participate, excluding  the  IHSAA Tournament  Series  shall  be Twenty-eight (28)  and  no
         tournament; or Twenty-six (26) and One (1) tournament.
          a.  If a player or team participates in more than the One (1) tournament permitted during the
            season, the number of games played in excess shall be included in the Twenty-six (26)
            games permitted during the season.
          b.  School-day games shall be limited to Twenty-two (22) school days.
          c.  If a player participates in a game as a pinch hitter or pinch runner, at the Varsity level, it
            does not count toward the maximum number of game limitations for that player.
          d.  Players may not change levels of play if games are being played simultaneously. Players
            may only change levels of play at the completion of both games.
         Pitch Count
          a.  Limits on Pitches.  A baseball pitchers is limited in the number of Pitches a pitcher may throw
            during a Contest, is limited in the number of Pitches a pitcher may throw during a calendar
            day and must rest for One (1) or more calendar days after pitching a certain number of
            Pitches.  A School will be responsible for counting its pitchers’ Pitches (Pitch Count) and
            complying with this Pitch Count rule.  A pitcher’s Contest Pitch Count is determined by
            adding all Pitches thrown by a pitcher during a Contest and a pitcher’s daily Pitch Count
            is determined by adding all Pitches thrown by a pitcher during all Contests in a calendar
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