Page 121 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 121

Rule 50 - Boys Sports Seasons

            that the reason the student did not participate in the minimum number of Season Contests
            was because of circumstances beyond the control of the student, such as illness, injury,
            ineligibility, the cancellation of a Contest(s) or the student’s failure to qualify for a spot on
            the roster.
          c.  A waiver will not be available for students failing to participate in the minimum number of
            Season Contests because of the Virtual Education School rule (rule 12-6), because of
            the Undue Influence rule (rule 20) or because of voluntary non-participation or because
            of voluntary non-attendance at the student’s School.
         Schools may not over-schedule or overfi ll a School’s schedule of Season Contests in any
         sport.  Over-scheduling occurs when a team schedules more than the maximum number of
         Season Contests permitted by the rules.
         50-6 Controlled Scrimmage
         A Controlled Scrimmage is a special interscholastic activity whereby Two (2) member Schools’
         teams work out against one another under IHSAA guidelines and under the supervision of
         their respective team coaches.  While game conditions may be simulated, this event shall be
         structured as a teaching opportunity for coaches and shall be shorter and less demanding
         physically than a regular Season Contest.  In order to be eligible for a Controlled Scrimmage,
         a student must be academically eligible, if a transfer student must have full or limited eligibility
         and must have participated in Five (5) separate days of organized Practice prior to the day
         of the Controlled Scrimmage under the direct supervision of the Member School Coaching
         Staff  in that sport (in football it must be Five (5) days of unrestricted full contact Practice).  A
         Controlled Scrimmage is not a Practice and does not count as a Practice toward meeting the
         minimum number of Practices required to play in a Season Contest.  A Controlled Scrimmage
         is not a Season Contest and does not count as a Season Contest in determining the maximum

         number of Season Contests during a Contest Season.  Licensed offi cials must be used in a

         Controlled Scrimmage in sports where offi cials are required.  A Controlled Scrimmage may

         not be scouted by anyone not affi liated with a team participating in the Controlled Scrimmage.
         50-7 Jamboree
         A Jamboree is a special interscholastic activity involving Three (3) or more Schools, in which
         no School may participate for more than one-half of the Jamboree.  In order to be eligible for
         a Jamboree, a player must be academically eligible, if a transfer student must have full or
         limited eligibility and must have previously participated in Five (5) separate days of organized
         Practice prior to the day of the Jamboree under the direct supervision of the Member School
         Coaching Staff  in that sport (in football it must be Five (5) days of unrestricted full contact
         Practice).  A Jamboree is not a Practice and does not count as a Practice toward meeting
         the minimum number of Practices required to play in a Season Contest.  A Jamboree is not
         a Season Contest and does not count as a Season Contest in determining the maximum
         number of Season Contests during a Contest Season.  Licensed Offi cials must be used in a

         Jamboree in sports in which Offi cials are required.  A Jamboree may not be scouted by anyone

         not affi liated with a team participating in the Jamboree.

         Q & A
         Q. 50-1    Must a student who has participated in a sport during the fall Contest Season
                    have Ten (10) days of organized Practice in a winter sport before becoming
                    eligible to play in a Contest during the winter Contest Season?
         A.         No, only fi ve (5) Practice days are required, provided the athlete reports to
                    Practice immediately (within One (1) week) after the end of the previous season.
                    (rule 50-1.1)
         Q. 50-2      When a rule refers to “Tournaments” is this also a reference to the IHSAA
                    Tournament Series?
         A.         No, when a “Tournament” or a “Tourney” is referenced, it refers to a Season
                    Contest where more than Two (2) schools participate.  (See Defi nitions)  Any
                    reference to the IHSAA’s season-ending tournament in any of the Twenty-Two
                    (22) Recognized Sports will be to the IHSAA Tournament Series.
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