Page 136 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 136

Rule 60 - Wrestling

         outlined in the Association’s weight control program including but not limited to:
          a.  Administering skin-fold measurements or body composition analyzation prior to the start
            of the competition season (Sat., Week 20),
          b.  Minimum body fat standards of Seven percent (7%) for males and Twelve percent (12%) for
            females, must be met unless both a licensed physician and the parent/s make a successful
            appeal as outlined in the Association’s weight control program,
          c.  When losing weight to reach a projected minimum allowable weight, a student athlete’s
            average weight loss shall not be more than One and one-half (1 ½) per week.
         Q & A
         Wrestling - Generally
         Q. 60-1   What is a wrestling dual meet?
         A.     A  dual  meet  is  a  wrestling  Contest in  which  a  maximum  of Two (2)  Schools
                participate. When Three (3) or more Schools are involved, the Contest is considered
                a Tournament. (rule 60-2)
         Q. 60-2   How many teams must participate in a meet to be considered a Tournament?
         A.     When Three (3) or more Schools participate in a Contest, the Contest is considered
                a Tournament. (rule 60-2)
         IHSAA Tournaments
         Q. 60-3   Can a wrestler, who qualifi ed for the regional level of the Wrestling Tournament
                Series, practice with or against a wrestler from another School?
         A.     No. (rule 9-4)
         Q. 60-4   Can a wrestler, entered in a weight class on the sectional entry list for the Wrestling
                Tournament Series, have his/her entry changed to the class immediately above his
                entered weight class at the sectional seeding meeting?
         A.     Yes.
         Q. 60-5   Can a wrestler, entered in a weight class on the sectional entry list for the Wrestling
                Tournament Series, have his/her entry changed to the class immediately below his
                entered weight class at the sectional seeding meeting?
         A.     No.
         Maximum Contests
         Q. 60-6   Is it legal for a wrestler to compete on more than one team (Varsity, J.V, etc.), and
                thereby wrestle in more than the maximum number of meets in rule 60-2?
         A.     No, the maximum number of meets for  the regular schedule of any student or
                team in wrestling shall be Eighteen (18) dual meets, in addition to the Tournament
                Series, however,  the student or team can participate in up to Seven (7) season
                Tournaments, provided each Tournament counts as Two (2) of the Eighteen (18)
                dual meets. (rule 60-2)
         Non-School Participation
         Q. 60-7   Are individual student wrestlers permitted to participate independently “out of season”
                in independent tourneys?
         A.     Yes, individual student wrestlers are permitted to participate independently “out of
                season” in independent tourneys.
         Q. 60-8   During the Summer, can a School wrestling coach instruct his/her own wrestler in
                preparation for the wrestler’s Summer participation?
         A.     Yes, a coach can instruct his/her own wrestlers either through the School’s Summer
                Open Facility  Program or  the  coach  can  participate in  a  Non-School wrestling
                program and coach through such program. (rule 15-3.1)
         Ineligible Students
         Q. 60-9   Can an ineligible wrestler weigh in at meets and at Tournaments where the wrestler’s
                School team is participating, in order to meet the minimum weight Classifi cation
                requirements for the Wrestling Tournament Series?
         A.     Yes.

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