Page 138 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 138
Rule 101 - Girls Sports Seasons
Practice session, then the student, upon returning from such absence, would need to
attend and actively participate in Six (6) more Pre-participation Practice sessions prior to
participating in a volleyball Contest, but if the same student is absent following completion
of the eighth Pre-participation Practice session, then the student , upon returning from such
absence, would need to attend and actively participate in Four (4) more Pre-participation
Practice sessions prior to participating in a volleyball Contest.
101-1.1Season-to-Season Pre-Participation Practice
A student moving directly (within One (1) week) from One (1) sport season to the next sport
season is eligible to participate in a Contest in a sport during the next sports season after
completing, prior to the date of the student’s fi rst Contest of the next Season, Five (5) Pre-
participation Practice sessions under the direct supervision of the high school coaching staff
in that sport.
101-1.2 Second Sport Pre-Participation Practice
A student, after completing Ten (10) Pre-participation Practice sessions in a sport, may try
out for a second sport during the same sport season and may be eligible to participate in
a Contest in that second sport after completing, prior to the date of the fi rst Contest of the
second sport, Five (5) Pre-participation Practice sessions under the direct supervision of the
high school coaching staff in that second sport. However, if the original sport was golf, this
rule does not apply and the student athlete must complete Ten (10) Pre-participation Practice
sessions in the second sport.
101-1.3 Pre-Participation Practice After Basic Training
Student athletes, after successfully completing basic training with a branch of the United
States military during a Practice or Contest Season of a sport, is eligible to participate in a
Contest in that sport after completing prior to the date of the student’s first Contest of the
Season, Five (5) Pre-participation Practice sessions under the direct supervision of the high
school coaching staff in that sport.
101-2 Authorized Season Contests
Scheduling, timing, length and character of any Authorized Season Contest in a sport is
established by these Interschool Sports Rules and by the playing rules of that sport. Any
Authorized Season Contest in a sport must be completed during the Contest Season (prior
to the first day of the IHSAA Tournament Series) in that sport.
101-2.1 Modification by the Commissioner
a. The Commissioner shall have authority to modify the scheduling, number, timing, length and
character of any Authorized Season Contest when there is a public health issue or when
there is some other unusual or compelling situation which necessitates such modification.
b. With respect to the required completion of an Authorized Season Contest in a sport during
the Contest Season in that sport, the Commissioner shall have authority, upon application,
to modify such completion date due to unavoidable circumstances occurring during the
Contest Season, such as inclement weather, limited facilities, in-season rescheduling of
unplayed conference Contests, etc.
The maximum number of Contests and tournament limitations listed are exclusive of any
IHSAA tournament series.
101-4 Minimum Season Participation for Tournament Eligibility
a. In order for a student to qualify for participation in the IHSAA tournament series in an
Individual Sport (cross country, golf, gymnastics, tennis, swimming & diving, track & field
and wrestling) the student must have participated, during the preceding regular season in
a minimum of (i) Seventy-five percent (75%) of the Season Contests in which the student’s
school participated, and (ii) Twenty-five percent (25%) of the maximum number of authorized
Season Contests in that sport.
b. This requirement by the Commissioner can be waived provided the student can demonstrate
that the reason the student did not participate in the minimum number of Season Contests
was because of circumstances beyond the control of the student, such as illness, injury,
ineligibility, the cancellation of a Contest(s) or the student’s failure to qualify for a spot on
the roster.
A waiver will not be available for students failing to participate in the minimum number of