Page 137 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 137

Rule 101 - Girls Sports Seasons

                        Part IV: Girls Interschool Sports Rules

                             AUTHORIZED            AUTHORIZED SEASON
                             PRACTICES                  CONTESTS
          Sport         First   Last    Min.     First    Last   Max. No.
                                        Req.                     Scheduled
          Golf         F-Wk 4   DTE      *2     M-Wk 5   SDST       18
          Cross Country  M-Wk 5  DTE     10     S-Wk 6   SDST       14
          Volleyball   M-Wk 5   DTE      10     S-Wk 6   SDST     23+2 T
          Soccer       M-Wk 5   DTE      10     S-Wk 6   SDST    16+No T
                                                                 or 14+1 T

          Basketball  M-Wk 16   DTE      10     M-Wk 18  SDST     22 No T
                                                                 or 20+1 T
          Swimming    M-Wk 17   DTE      10     M-Wk 19  SDST       18
          Gymnastics  M-Wk 20   DTE      10     M-Wk 23  SDST       16

          Tennis      M-Wk 37   DTE      10     M-Wk 39  SDST      **22
          Track       M-Wk 33   DTE      10     M-Wk 35  SDST       16
          Softball    M-Wk 36   DTE      10     M-Wk 38  SDST    28+No T
                                                                 or 26+1 T

         *The two-practice rule may be waived by the Commissioner if certain pre-conditions exist.
         **Composed of a maximum of Five (5) tournaments and total matches not to exceed Twenty-
         two (22).
         KEY:  F-Wk 5 –  Friday of IHSAA Calendar Week #5
               T – season Tournament
               SDST –  Starting Date of Sectional of Tournament Series
         DTE –  Date Team Eliminated from Tournament Series
         101-1 Pre-Participation Practice
         Prior to the date of a student’s participation in the student’s first Contest of the Season in a
         sport, the student must attend and actively participate in Ten (10) Pre-participation Practice
         sessions under the direct supervision of the high school coaching staff in that sport.
          a.  In golf,  the Pre-participation Practice rule requires Two  (2) Pre-participation  Practice
            sessions, and that rule can be waived under conditions established by the Commissioner.
          b.  Only One (1) Pre-participation Practice session may be counted on any One (1) day.
          c.  Should  a student,  prior to  completing the required  Ten (10) days of  Pre-participation
            Practice, fail to attend and actively participate in more than Five (5) consecutive, regularly
            scheduled Pre-participation Practice sessions, such student, upon returning from such
            absence, must participate in, prior to participating in a Contest, the greater of (i) the number
            of Pre-participation Practices session needed to meet the required Ten (10) days of Pre-
            participation Practices, or (ii) Four (4) Pre-participation Practice sessions.  For example,
            if a student in volleyball is absent following the completion of the fourth Pre-participation
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