Page 27 - 2021-22 By-Laws
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Recognized Sport. The program’s activities must occur in the School’s gymnasium,
playing field or other School facility and must be open to all students who have attended
the School. The program’s activities are only open to students who have attended the
School, to students who have attended a Feeder School, to incoming 9th grade students
from non-Feeder Schools who have Enrolled at the School and to incoming transfer
students who have Enrolled at the School and have completed and submitted to the
IHSAA the first section of an IHSAA Transfer Report.
Suspension: (i) Temporary or permanent termination of a School’s Membership in Association,
or (ii) temporary or permanent denial to a student of participation in One (1) or more sports.
Team Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Flag Football, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball.
Territory: For Private Schools, Territory is the geographical area from which students are
drawn for attendance, as established by the Diocese or other governing board, and where
no boundaries are established by a Private School, then the Territory shall be the city or
town limits of the metropolitan area in which the School is located or the county lines of
the county when the School is located outside a city or town limits. For Charter Schools,
Territory is the state of Indiana.
Tournament or Tourney: A Season Contest in which more than Two (2) Schools participate.
A Tournament is not part of the Tournament Series.
Tournament Series: The championship tournament series scheduled annually by the IHSAA
in each sport recognized by the IHSAA.
Transfer For Primarily Athletic Reasons: A Transfer For Primarily Athletic Reasons includes,
but is not limited to:
a. a transfer to obtain the athletic advantage of a superior, or inferior, athletic team, a superior
athletic facility or a superior coach or coaching staff;
b. a transfer to obtain relief from a conflict with the philosophy or action of an administrator,
teacher or coach relative to athletics;
c. a transfer seeking a team consistent with the student’s athletic abilities;
d. a transfer to obtain a means to nullify punitive action taken by the previous School.
Transgender: A gender identity or gender expression that differs from societal expectations
based on the gender assigned at birth.
Trimester: In Schools whose schedule is based on Trimesters, one-third of a School Year
constitutes a Trimester. Parts of Two (2) or Three (3) Trimesters or part of One (1) Trimester
does not make a Trimester.
Underprivileged Student: A student who is eligible for free or reduced lunch.
Varsity: A School’s highest level team in a sport.
Virtual Course: An on-line course delivered by an organization which is not the student’s
School of Enrollment and which provides the course credit(s). A member School’s own
on-line courses which are part of a member School’s distance learning program are not
Virtual Courses.
Virtual Education School: A stand-alone Public or Charter School which only utilizes the non-
traditional learning method of on-line instruction and where a student can Enroll, graduate
and earn diploma. To qualify as a Virtual Education School, a School cannot sponsor any
athletic programs involving any IHSAA Recognized Sports, whatsoever. A School which
can meet the requirements of a Virtual Education School, cannot qualify as an Innovative
School; and similarly, a School which can meet the requirements of an Innovative School,
cannot qualify as a Virtual Education School.
Warning: An offi cial notice that an inexcusable, unethical or unsportsmanlike action has oc-
curred, is a matter of record, and such an occurrence must not be repeated.