Page 28 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 28

Rule 1 - Rule Coverage

                           Part II: General Eligibility Rules

         1-1 Rule Creation, Amendment and Application
          a.  Establishing Rules.  The General Eligibility Rules are created by and may only be
            amended by the Directors.
          b.  Formality.  The General Eligibility Rules shall be created using the same formality
            as used in the creation of and the amendment of the By-Laws of the Corporation.
            However, the Secretary of the Corporation is authorized, without prior action by the
            Board of Directors, to (i) draft and publish interpretations of the General Eligibility Rules
            through questions and answers, (ii) draft and publish definitions of terms contained in
            General Eligibility Rules and (iii) draft and make corrections to punctuation, grammar,
            spelling and typographical errors in the text of the General Eligibility Rules.  Such action
            taken by the Secretary shall have immediate force and effect but shall be subject to
            prompt ratification by the Board of Directors.
          c.  General Application.  THE ASSOCIATION RULES APPLY to all Member School athletic
            teams and to all Member School sports contestants enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12,
            participating IN ANY CONTEST in a Recognized Sport or in an Emerging Sport.
         1-2 Recognized Sports
          a.  IHSAA Recognized Sports. The following sports are recognized and regulated: Boys –
            Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Track and
            Field, Wrestling; Girls – Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Soccer, Softball,
            Swimming, Tennis, Track  and Field, Volleyball; Unified Sports - Track and  Field,  Flag
          b.  Tournament Series.  A Tournament Series in a Recognized Sport will be provided at such
            time as Fifty percent (50%) of the total, full Membership Schools are participating in that
            Recognized Sport.
          c.  Annual Review.  If a Recognized Sport has less than Twenty-five (25%) of the total, full
            Membership Schools participating in the Tournament Series in that Sport, that Sport will
            be reviewed, annually, for purposes of determining if the Sport should continue to have
            a Tournament Series in that Sport and to determine if that Sport should continue to be a
            Recognized Sport.
         1.3 Recognized Sports Process
          a.  A Sport may become a Recognized Sport provided a member School has, or a group of
            member Schools has, submitted to the Board of Directors, prior to March 1, a Request
            that that Sport to be designated a Recognized Sport.
          b.  The Board of Directors may designate a Sport as a Recognized Sport if these requirements
            are satisfied:
            (1.)  One Hundred Fifty (150) or more member Schools, representing a minimum of Forty
               (40) Schools from each District, have each sponsored a full program in that Sport
               and have each participated in that Sport for the Two (2) consecutive years prior to
               the submission of the Request,
            (2.)  The Sport has gone through the Emerging Sport Process and an updated Emerging
               Sport Application is submitted to the Board with the Request for recognition,
            (3.)  It is shown that recognition of the Sport as a Recognized Sport will not be an anathema
               to the purposes or goals of the IHSAA and will not result in a violation of any rule, law,
               statute or policy; and
            (4)  The Commissioner recommends that the Sport be recognized as a Recognized Sport.
          c.  Provided the prior requirements are satisfied, the Board at its next Annual Meeting may,
            by a majority vote, recognize the Sport as a Recognized Sport.
         1.4   Emerging Sport Process
          a.  A Sport may become an Emerging Sport provided a member School has, or a group of
            member Schools have, submitted to the Board of Directors, prior to March 1, a Request
            for the Sport be designated an Emerging Sport.
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