Page 42 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 42

Rule 6 - Awards, Prizes, Gifts

         6-2 Acceptable School Sports Awards
         A member School may give, and a student may accept, annually, in each sport recognized
         by the Association, the following:
          a.  One sweater, jersey, jacket, blanket or similar article in recognition of a student’s participation
            in each sport.
          b.  A trophy or similar article of symbolic value in addition to the One (1) award permitted above,
            provided the cost of the award shall not exceed the cost of the One (1) award permitted
            under Item a.
         6-3 Acceptable Non-School Sports Awards
         A student may accept the following, relative to sports recognized by the Association, provided
         they are made within the bounds of rule 6-2:
          a.  An award from an athletic conference which is given to the winning or successful schools
            and winning or successful participants.
          b.  An award from an athletic conference which is given to a winning or successful participant.
          c.  An award from a local organization, such as a service club, patriotic organization, civic
            group, and dad’s or mother’s club, provided the award is approved by the member School’s
          d.  A symbolic tribute to a member School’s athletes, the naming of a player of the game or
            week, or similar honor, from a commercial business, provided the student does not accept
            merchandise, meals, cash, etc. for such honor
         6-4 Acceptable College Awards
         Students who participate in a sport recognized by the Association may not accept, directly or
         indirectly, awards, medals, recognitions, gifts or honors from colleges, universities or other
         institutions of higher learning, or their alumni.  A student, however, may accept transportation
         and expenses paid by a college, university or other institution of higher learning for recruiting
         purposes during the student’s junior or senior years, if conducted within the limitations of
         college athletic codes and if approved by the Member School’s principal.  Likewise a student
         may accept a scholarship award to attend a college, university or other institution of higher
         learning after graduation, provided the scholarship is not paid until after the student’s athletic
         eligibility has expired.
         6-5 Tournament Series Awards
         All awards for teams and students participating in Association tournament series’ shall be
         determined by the Executive Committee.
          a.  These official awards shall be the only awards presented at the tournament site.
          b.  No member School shall accept a State Finals championship or runner-up award in an
            IHSAA recognized sport unless the award is approved by the IHSAA and the member
            School principal.
          c.  Additional state championship or runner-up medals, as needed, may be ordered by the
            principal through the Commissioner.
          d.  A member School may purchase, at its own expense, the  official IHSAA State  Finals
            championship or runner-up ring.  NOTE:  The application for approval to order must be
            submitted by the principal, to the Commissioner on the application form provided by the
            IHSAA.  A School check to cover the expense of the ring must accompany the order.
          e.  Only the official IHSAA State Finals championship or runner-up ring may include the IHSAA
            trademark, the designation “IHSAA”, or the name “Indiana High School Athletic Association”.
         6-6 Penalties for Violation of Awards rule
         A violation of the awards rule by a student or member School will result in the penalties
         described in rule 17-7.1.
         Q & A
         Awards, Prizes and Gifts - Generally
         Q. 6-1   What gifts, awards and prizes may athletes receive?
         A.       The IHSAA requires that the giving of awards, prizes, medals, etc., be kept on
                  a reasonable basis at all times, and that such have symbolic value only and be
                  given with the consent of the School principal. (rule 6-1)
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