Page 44 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 44

Rule 7 - Coaches

                      prizes or awards are not permitted.
                  (d)  Purposes  should  be  critically  studied  so  that  commercial  interests,
                      proselytizing interests and interests foreign to good school procedure may
                      be eliminated.
                  (e)  Principals shall be expected to know and execute the rules, regulations and
                      policies to the best of their ability according to their wording and spirit, since
                      the giving and receiving of awards shall be done by and with the consent
                      and under the supervision of the principal in each member School.
                  (f)   No  awards  should  be  made  by  a  “secret  committee”  of  any  outside
                      organization, without the knowledge and consent of the high school principal
                      as to the recipient. (rule 6-5)
         Q. 6-11   May a student receive a scholarship from a non-educational organization and
                  still be eligible in the sport for which the scholarship was awarded?
         A.       Yes, as long as the scholarship is not paid until after the student’s athletic eligibility
                  has expired.
         Q. 6-12    Is a student who receives a scholarship or award for lacrosse still athletically
         A.       Yes, the Award Rule is sports specific, and as long as the scholarship is paid for
                  a non-recognized sport, such as lacrosse, there is not a violation of the Award
                  Rule. (rule 6-1)
         College and University Scholarships
         Q. 6-13   May a student receive a University or College athletic scholarship and still be
                  eligible in the sport for which the scholarship was awarded?
         A.       Yes, as long as  the scholarship is  paid directly to the  student’s university or
                  college, or in cases where a scholarship is paid directly to the student, as long as
                  the scholarship is not paid until after the student’s athletic eligibility has expired.
                  (rule 6-4)

         RULE 7  – COACHES
         7-1 Coaches Should be Certified Teachers
         Coaches should, whenever possible, be regularly certified to teach in Schools of Indiana and:
         7-1.1 Coaches’ Remuneration
         All remuneration for high school coaching must be approved by the board of education of the
         member School employing the coach.
         7-1.2 Limitation on Outside Remuneration for Coaches
         No member School shall be permitted to employ an athletic director/s or coach who receives
         extra pay, salary, gifts or trips for coaching from any source other than through the school
         7-1.3 Full-Time Employment of Coaches
         Be full-time employed teachers or supervisors in the member School or in the parent school
         corporation attendance area.
            NOTE 1: The expression “Paid Coach” refers to any person who, directly or indirectly,
            receives remuneration  of  any kind  - money,  travel expenses, gifts, etc.,  from  outside
            sources - in return for services rendered in instructing or coaching any School athletic team.
            NOTE 2: When a School corporation is a part of a cooperative program with other School
            corporations, a full-time teacher employed by the cooperative may coach in the School
            corporation where the teacher teaches.
            NOTE 3: When a coach coaches a mixed (boys and girls) team, a male coach coaches
            a girls team or a female coach coaches a boys team, an adult advisor from the opposite
            sex should be part of the coaching staff. It is strongly recommended that such advisor
            be employed by the School or the District. The advisor’s responsibilities must include
            attendance at all Practices, Contests and meetings, and accompanying the team to all
            events which involve travel or overnight trips.

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