Page 39 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 39

Rule 5 - Amateurism and Assumed Name Prohibition

            as described in rule 6.
          b.  Giving or receiving paid instructions, provided the fees paid are for the instruction and are
            commensurate with the services provided.
          c.  Accepting reasonable meals, lodging and transportation.  NOTE:  See rule 6-4 regarding
            college trips.
          d.  Receiving a scholarship award to attend an institution of higher education after high school.
         5-4 Student Violation of Amateurism; Reinstatement
         A student who has violated the amateur rule in a sport is ineligible in that sport, beginning the
         date the student violates the rule.
          a.  A student may apply in writing to the Commissioner, or designee, for reinstatement, may
            have his or her amateur status reinstated and be declared eligible under the amateur rule,
            (1.)  the student remained Enrolled in School since the rule violation,
            (2.)  the student has returned or reimbursed the remuneration or benefit,
            (3.)  the student has not since violated the amateur rule,
            (4.)  a period of Three-hundred Sixty-five (365) days, or such other period as is deemed
               appropriate, has passed since the date the student violated the rule, and
            (5.)  the student’s principal can certify to the accuracy of the foregoing criteria.
          b.  In considering reinstatement, the  Commissioner,  or designee, may consider whether
            the violation was intentional or  not, whether the student knowingly  participated  in the
            rule violation, the size and character of the remuneration or benefit, and any other factor
            materially bearing upon the rule violation.
         5-5 Assumed Name Prohibition
         A student may not play under an assumed name.
         5-6 Member School Violation of Amateurism
         A member School violates the amateur rule if the party giving, or involved with giving, the
         remuneration or benefit is, directly or indirectly, a member of the School’s student body, a
         member of the School’s staff or a booster or fan of the School’s athletic program and/or other
         extracurricular activities.  A violation of the amateur rule by a member School will result in the
         penalties described in rule 17-7.1.
         Q & A
         Amateurism - Generally
         Q. 5-1    How does a student athlete violate the Amateurism Rule?
         A.       An all-inclusive answer for all time and under all conditions cannot be given,
                  but the receipt or use of any of the following may result in a violation of the
                  Amateurism Rule: student accepting remuneration, directly or indirectly, for athletic
                  participation.  Reasonable meals, lodging and transportation may be accepted,
                  if accepted in service and not in any other way. (rule 5-3)  See also, rule 6-4
                  regarding college trips.
         Q. 5-2   A local bank wants to name a player of the week in basketball – 1 for girls and 1
                  for boys. Is this permissible?
         A.       Yes, so long as the student does not accept merchandise, meals, cash, etc., for
                  such recognition. (rule 5-2)
         Q. 5-3   A junior basketball player wins a non-School free-throw shooting contest. The
                  first place prize is a trip to Disney World. May the player accept the trip?
         A.       No.  The student may not accept prizes or remuneration for participation in the
                  student’s sport. (rules 5-2, 6-1)
         Q. 5-4   May a tennis player with remaining IHSAA eligibility receive and accept a tennis
                  racket through a sporting goods dealer “free list” or “loan list”?
         A.       No, a tennis player who receives merchandise of any kind (or cash) in recognition
                  of athletic achievement becomes ineligible in tennis. (rule 5-2)
         Definition of Amateurism
         Q. 5-5   Is the definition of amateurism by other organizations accepted by the IHSAA?
         A.       No, amateurism is defined by the IHSAA for IHSAA purposes. There is no definition
                  of amateurism acceptable to all organizations, and the IHSAA does not recognize
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