Page 48 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 48

Rule 8 - Conduct, Character, Discipline

         Q. 7-14   Can a coach lose his or her Coaching Accreditation, or be placed on Probation?
         A.       Yes. Coaching Accreditation may be revoked or suspended by the IHSAA if the
                  coach fails to meet the on-going educational requirements described in section
                  7-1.4, if the coach is convicted of an offense described in Ind. Code § 20-28-5-
                  8 or a known comparable offense in another state, or if the coach is a licensed
                  teacher and it is reported to the IHSAA by the Department of Education that
                  the coach committed misconduct described in Ind. Code §§ 20-28-5-7(1),
                  20-28-5-7(2), and such misconduct led to the teacher’s license revocation or
                  suspension.   A coach’s Coaching Accreditation may be revoked or suspended
                  by the IHSAA, or a coach may be placed on probation, if the coach’s conduct
                  is found by the IHSAA to be an anathema to the rules, regulations, purposes
                  and goals of the IHSAA.
         Q. 7-15   What offenses are designated in Ind. Code §20-28-5-8?
         A.       Currently, the offenses designated in Ind. Code §20-28-5-8 include: kidnapping
                  (Ind. Code  § 35-42-3-2), criminal confinement (Ind.  Code §  35-42-3-3),  rape
                  (Ind. Code § 35-42-4-1), criminal deviate conduct (Ind. Code § 35-42-4-2), child
                  molesting (Ind. Code § 35-42-4-3), child exploitation (Ind. Code § 35-42-4-4(b)),
                  vicarious sexual gratification (Ind.  Code  §  35-42-4-5), child solicitation (Ind.
                  Code § 35-42-4-6), child seduction (Ind. Code § 35-42-4-7), sexual misconduct
                  with a minor (Ind. Code § 35-42-4-9), incest (Ind. Code § 35-46-1-3), dealing in
                  or manufacturing cocaine or a narcotic drug (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-1), dealing in
                  methamphetamine (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-1.1), dealing in a schedule I, II, or III
                  controlled substance (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-2), dealing in a schedule IV controlled
                  substance (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-3), dealing in a schedule V controlled substance
                  (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-4), dealing in a counterfeit substance (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-
                  5), dealing in marijuana, hash oil, hashish, or salvia (Ind. Code § 35-48-4-10(b)),
                  dealing in a synthetic drug or synthetic drug lookalike substance (Ind. Code §
                  35-48-4-10.5, or Ind. Code § 35-48-4-10(b)), possession of child pornography (Ind.
                  Code § 35-42-4-4(c)), homicide (Ind. Code § 35-42-1), voluntary manslaughter
                  (Ind.  Code § 35-42-1-3), reckless  homicide (Ind. Code  § 35-42-1-5),  battery
                  [including the following:  a Class A felony (for a crime committed before July 1,
                  2014) or a level 2 felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014), a Class B
                  felony (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a level 3 felony (for a crime
                  committed after June 30, 2014), a Class C felony (for a crime committed before
                  July 1, 2014) or a level 5 felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014)],
                  aggravated battery (Ind. Code § 35-42-2-1.5), robbery (Ind. Code § 35-42-5-1),
                  carjacking (Ind. Code § 35-42-5-2), arson as a Class A felony or Class B felony
                  (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or as a level 2, level 3, or level 4
                  felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014) (Ind. Code § 35-43-1-1(a)),
                  burglary as a Class A felony or Class B felony (for a crime committed before July
                  1, 2014) or as a level 1, level 2, level 3, or level 4 felony (for a crime committed
                  after June 30, 2014) (Ind. Code § 35-43-2-1), attempt under Ind. Code § 35-41-5-1
                  to commit an offense above listed and conspiracy under Ind. Code § 35-41-5-2
                  to commit an offense above listed.
         Q. 7-16   What misconduct is designated in Ind. Code §§ 20-28-5-7(1), 20-28-5-7(2)?
         A.       Currently, the misconduct designated in Ind. Code § 20-28-5-7(1) is immorality
                  and the misconduct designated in Ind. Code § 20-28-5-7(2) is misconduct in
         8-1 Student Conduct
         Contestants’ conduct, in and out of School, shall be such as (1) not to reflect discredit upon
         their School or the Association, or (2) not to create a disruptive influence on the discipline,
         good order, moral or educational environment in the School.
             NOTE: It is recognized that principals, by the administrative authority vested in them by
            their school corporation, may exclude such contestants from representing their School.

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