Page 50 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 50
Rule 8 - Conduct, Character, Discipline
and the principal, hosting the Contest worked by the Contest Administrator, or
in the case of a School Administrator, the principal of that School Administrator,
shall thereafter promptly submit to the IHSAA a response to the unsporting
report. The reporting principal shall not permit the Contest Administrator or the
School Administrator attend the School’s next interschool Contest at that level
of competition, and all other interschool Contests at any level in the interim, and
shall enforce any other penalties assessed. (rule 8-4)
Q. 8-5 If a student in One (1) sport is ejected from a Contest for an unsporting act, is
the student suspended from the next interschool Contest(s) in just that sport or is
the student also suspended from the next interschool Contest(s) in other sports
in which the student may be participating?
A. If a student in One (1) sport is ejected from a Contest for an unsporting act, the
student would be suspended from the next interschool Contest(s) in just that sport.
So, for example, if a student, who plays soccer and kicks for the football team, is
ejected for an unsportsmanlike act in soccer, the student would be suspended
from the next Contest(s) in soccer but would not be suspended from any football
games. (rule 8-3)
Q. 8-6 What is the penalty when a student or a coach is ejected from a Contest for an
unsporting act for the second time during a sports season?
A. The IHSAA Unsporting and Ejection Policy provides that a coach or student
who is ejected a second time during a sport’s Contest Season must purchase
and complete the current edition of the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior
course, may not return to play or coach in any sport until the completion of such
course and must fully cooperate with the IHSAA for purposes of its verification
that the coach or student has completed the course. This is in addition to rule
8-4(c) which requires the principal of the student or coach to suspend the student
or coach for the next two (2) Contests at that level of competition and all other
Contests at any level in the interim. (rule 8-4(c)
Q. 8-7 If a student is ejected during the last junior varsity Contest of the Contest Season,
but there are several Varsity Contests left in the Contest Season (and the student
is listed on the Tournament Series sectional entry list), may the student serve the
Suspension during the next remaining Varsity Contest(s), and then be eligible to
participate in the remainder of the Varsity Contest Season and in the Tournament
A. Yes, if a student is ejected from a Contest for an unsporting act, the student will
be suspended from the next Contest in that sport at that level of competition and
at any other level in the interim. However, if there are no remaining Contests at
the junior varsity level, the student may serve the Suspension in the next higher
level Contest(s) (here, the Varsity), and be eligible to participate the rest of the
Varsity Contest season and in the Tournament Series.
Q. 8-8 During the Contest Season a student is ejected a second time during the last
regular Season Contest. When should the student’s Two (2) Contest Suspension
be served?
A. The student shall immediately serve the Two (2) Contest Suspension at the
student’s first Two (2) Tournament Series Contests in that sport. If there is only
One (1) Tournament Series Contest in that sport, then the student shall serve
the second Contest Suspension at a Contest in that sport at the same level the
following School Year, or if the student is a senior, the student shall serve the
serve the second Contest Suspension at the first Contest of the next sport season
in which the student participates. (rule 8-4)
Q. 8-9 A Fan is ejected during a Contest. Is the Fan subject to any discipline?
A. Yes, if a Fan is ejected, the principals of the teams participating in the Contest, or
their designees, shall determine which of the participating Schools were principally
supported by the Fan and the principal(s) of those School(s) shall suspend the
Fan from attending the Fan’s next Home Contest (see, definition), and if the
ejectment was the second, or more, ejection during a sport’s Contest Season,
the Fan shall be suspended from attending the next Two (2) Home Contests.
(rule 8-4)