Page 54 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 54

Rule 9 - Contests

            any sports which are under the jurisdiction of the IHSAA shall be in accordance with the
            National Federation playing rules for that sport, or in accordance with any other playing
            rule adopted by the IHSAA for playing that sport.
          b. Use of Audio-Visual Equipment, Recordings, Films, Telecasts and Video Tape.
            Using audio-visual equipment, recording, filming, telecasting or videotaping for scouting
            purposes of any Season Contest by any party other than the Two (2) Schools participating
            in the contest is prohibited.
         Q & A
         Contests - Generally
         Q. 9-1   Does the IHSAA have a rule prohibiting the scheduling of Practices and interschool
                games on holidays?
         A.     No, member School policies dictate scheduling procedures.
         Senior Students on Sub-Varsity Teams
         Q. 9-2   Is there an IHSAA rule prohibiting a senior from being on a junior varsity team?
         A.     No, the selection of a student for a team is a matter for each School to decide.
         Participation Against Teams of Non-Members
         Q. 9-3    Can a  member School participate  in a  Contest in an IHSAA Recognized Sport
                against a team which contains students below grade 9?
         A.     Yes.  While a Contest in which a member School and its students participate is
                subject to all playing rule, including the Contest Rule which prohibits a member
                School from having below-ninth grade students on the School’s teams (rule 9-17),
                that Contest Rule does not apply to non-member Schools.  And while the Contest
                Rule (rule 9-2) makes all Contests subject to the IHSAA rules, such rule reference
                is to the playing rules and does not make the eligibility rules of the IHSAA, such
                as rules relating to competitor’s age or enrollment in the School, applicable to a
                non-member School participating in a Contest with a member School.  Therefore,
                a non-member School can field players who are pre-high school.
         Q. 9-4    Can a member School participate in a Contest in an IHSAA Recognized Sport with
                an Indiana based team or a School which is not a member of the IHSAA?
         A.     Yes, provided the non-member School has not been expelled or suspended from
                membership in the IHSAA, and provided the School has not been suspended from
                participation in the IHSAA Recognized Sport by the IHSAA. (rules 9-15)
         Q. 9-5    Can a member School participate in a single Contest in an IHSAA Recognized Sport
                with an out-of-state team or School?
         A.     Yes, provided the out-of-state School is currently a member of its local state high
                school  athletic  association,  the  out-of-state  School  has  not been  expelled or
                suspended from such membership, provided the out-of-state School has not been
                suspended from participation in the sport by its state high school athletic association,
                and provided the address of the out-of-state school and the location of the site of the
                Contest are not greater than Six Hundred (600) miles, round trip, from the Indiana
                state line. (rules 9-15, 10-1, 10-1.1).
         Mixed Gender Participation and Teams
         Q. 9-6    Can a member School use a mixed (boys and girls) team in the IHSAA Tournament
                Series when a separate Tournament Series is offered for males and females in that
         A.     In Individual Sports, a student with the Birth Gender of female cannot play on the
                boys’ team in the IHSAA Tournament Series in that sport, and a student with the
                Birth Gender of male cannot play on the girls’ team in the IHSAA Tournament Series
                in that sport.  In Team Sports, a student with the Birth Gender of female cannot
                play on a boys’ team, however, if there is no girls’ team in that Team Sport at that
                School, the student with the Birth Gender of female can play on the boys’ team in
                that sport in the IHSAA Tournament Series; conversely, in Team Sports a student
                with the Birth Gender of male can never play on a girls’ team.  The foregoing may
                be different if the student obtains a waiver under the IHSAA Gender Policy.  (rule
         Q. 9-7    If a student with the Birth Gender of female participates on a boys’ team in baseball,
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