Page 80 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 80

Rule 15 - Participation

         Q. 15-41  May a student who has remaining eligibility participate in a Limited Contact Program
                sponsored by a member School on Sunday?
         A.     No, students may not participate in a Limited Contact Program on Sunday. (rule
         Q. 15-42  May a coach play with or against the coach’s student athlete in a Limited Contact
         A.     Yes.  (rule 15-2.5)
         Q. 15-43  May a Team Sports coach work with multiple individuals in the coach’s sport During
                School Year Out-of-Season?
         A.     Yes, but only in a Limited Contact session. (rule 15-2.5)
         Q. 15-44  May a Team Sports coach outline and distribute to players a written recommended
                individual workout schedule for the athletes to use during the off-season?
         A.     Yes.
         Q.15-45  Can there be more than two (2) Limited Contact sessions on one day?
         A      Yes. There can be a Limited Contact session on a maximum of two (2) days per week
                and the total amount of time of all Limited Contact sessions on any one (1) day may
                not exceed two (2) hours, the Limited Contact during a day can be accomplished in
                one two (2) hour session, or in any number of sessions, provided collectively they
                do not exceed two (2) hours.
         Q. 15-46  Under section 15-2.5(c), may a student who plans to participate in a Team Sport
                during the up-coming fall season, continue to participate in the current spring Limited
                Contract Program past Monday of Week 45, since such up-coming fall season is
                the next season after the current spring Limited Contract Program period?
         A.     No.  The section 15-2.5(c) Limited Contact continuation exception applies only when
                the Limited Contact Program ‘immediately precedes”  the Team Sport’s season,
                and here, Summer immediately precedes the student’s Team Sport’s season.  The
                Limited Contact continuation exception applies only for Team Sports played in the
                winter and spring seasons.
         Camps and Clinics
         Q. 15-47  How much time may a coaches have to prepare their players for a Clinic in which
                they are presenting during the School Year Out-of-Season?
         A.     The coach may have a total of 1 1/2 hours to prepare their players for the Clinic.
                This may be accomplished in either One (1) or Two (2) sessions. (rule 15-2.3(k))
         Q. 15-48  Are  written  requests  and  approvals  required  for  students  participating  for
                demonstration purposes in any sport Clinics, etc.?
         A.     No, a record of students used as demonstrators must be kept by the School. (rule
         Q. 15-49  What constitutes an Underprivileged Student with regard to Camp and Clinic fees?
         A.     An Underprivileged Student is one who is eligible for free and reduced lunch. (see
         Q. 15-50  May a member School host a team Camp and invite multiple member Schools to
                participate during the Summer?
         A.     No, a School sponsored Camp is intended for One (1) School only.  Team Camps
                for multiple teams must be sponsored by Non-School entities.
         Summer - Generally
         Q. 15-51  When is a student athlete no longer eligible to compete on a Non-School Team in
                a sport during the Summer?
         A.     During the Summer, a student athlete may compete on a Non-School Team in a
                sport up until the date of the first IHSAA authorized Season Contest in that sport.
                (rule 15-1)
         Q. 15-52  Can a student participate in an interscholastic Contest after the student’s regular
                School Year has ended?
         A.     Yes.  Due to the great variation in dates when member Schools close in the spring,
                students may continue to represent their Schools during the Contest Season and
                during the Tournament Series in the spring and in the Summer.  Also, a senior may
                continue to participate in a Season Contest and in Tournament Series Contest even
                though the senior is graduating and may have already received a diploma.

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