Page 81 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 81

Rule 15 - Participation

         Q. 15-53  Can a member School organize and supervise a Conditioning Program during the
         A.     Yes, however, the program must be designed and limited to activities which promote
                physical fitness, must be voluntary and may not be limited to athletes of One (1)
                sport.  (Definitions: Conditioning  Program)  And  though  a Conditioning session
                during the School Year Out-of-Season may include throwing a ball by a baseball or
                softball player (rule 15-2.4; Definitions: Conditioning Program), no similar activities
                are permitted at a Conditioning session during the Summer.
         Q.15-54   What is the Summer Camp & Clinic cut-off rule and when is the last date a student
                can participate in a Camp or Clinic during the Summer.
         A.     The  Summer Camp &  Clinic  cut-off rule applies to  School-sponsored  Camps
                and Clinics, and participation in a School-sponsored Camps or Clinics must be
                terminated prior to Monday, Week 5, under rule 15-3.2(g). There is not a Summer
                Camp & Clinic cut-off rule for Non-School sponsored Camps and Clinics, although
                for fall sport athletes, participation in a non-School-sponsored Camps or Clinics
                must terminate prior to Monday of week 7. For winter and spring sport athletes,
                participation in non-School-sponsored Camps and Clinics may continue into the
                new School Year, however attendance must be limited to non-school time. Verified
                Olympic development camps are exempt from this rule.
         Q. 15-55  What is a Summer Open Facility Program?
         A.     A Summer Open Facility Program is a voluntary program in which use of a member
                School’s gymnasiums, playing fields or other school facilities is limited to students
                who attend the School, to students who attend a Feeder School of the School, to
                incoming 9th grade students from non-Feeder Schools who have Enrolled at the
                School, and to transfer students who have Enrolled at the School and who have
                completed and submitted to the IHSAA an IHSAA Transfer Report. (Section 15-3-
                3.1(b), Definitions – Summer Open Facility Program.)
         Q. 15-56  Can a School have a Summer Open Facility session “off-campus”, or at a location
                which is not owned by or officially controlled by the School?
         A.     No, like a Limited Contact Program, a Summer Open Facility Program must be
                conducted on campus or at a site where home Contests are regularly held.  For
                example, a School cannot conduct an Summer Open Facility session at the local
                batting cage for its students wishing to work on their baseball skills, but could hold
                Summer Open Facility session at a municipal field if that is where the School regularly
                held its home Contests.
         Q. 15-57  May a student from one School participate in a Summer Open Facility session at
                another School. For example, is a softball player from one School permitted to go
                to another School’s Summer Open Facility and participate in softball?
         A.     No, the only students who may participate at a School’s Summer Open Facility
                session are students who attend the School, students who attend a Feeder School
                of the School, incoming 9th grade students from non-Feeder Schools who have
                Enrolled at the School, and transfer students who have Enrolled  at the  School
                and who have completed and submitted to the IHSAA an IHSAA Transfer Report.
                (Defi nition- Summer Open Facility; Section 15-2.5)
         RULE 16 – PROTESTS
         16-1 Protests During Season Contests
         When an administrative decision is protested, the use of a contestant or the use of an official
         is protested in a Season Contest, the Contest shall be played as scheduled and a formal
         protest, with evidence, may then be filed with the Commissioner who will determine the action
         to be taken.
         16-2 Contest Official’s Decisions are Final
         Contest decisions by game officials are considered final and binding.
         16-3 Student Ineligibility Because of Administrative Error
         If a  student meets  all of  the  standards  of the eligibility rules, but  is ineligible  due  to an
         administrative error, such as the failure to be listed on an entry list, etc., the same procedure
         as outlined in rule 3-9 applies.  However, if the student’s ineligibility is for or during the IHSAA
         Tournament Series, the member School, may seek a waiver of the disqualification and the
         penalties to be assessed by affirmatively showing that the ineligibility was in no way the result
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