Page 84 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 84

Rule 17 - Investigations ... Waivers

            refusing to meet with the principal or Commissioner or his designee after having been
            requested to do so, that party shall forfeit all rights to appeal.
         e.  A Request for Review of an adverse ruling or decision must be in writing, must include
            some explanation of the factual basis for the Request, must cite the IHSAA rules relied
            upon for the Request and must be received by the IHSAA within Seven (7) days of the
            date the IHSAA issued the adverse ruling or decision.  If a Request for Review is not made
            and received by the IHSAA in accordance with this rule, the ruling or decision shall be final
            and non-reviewable.
         17-4.2 Review Committee and Hearing Officer
         The Review Committee shall be comprised of:
          a.  At least Three (3) members of the Executive Committee who shall be appointed by the
            Chairman, or his designee. Membership on a panel of the Review Committee shall be for
            One (1) or more hearing sessions.
          b.  The Chairman of the Executive Committee, or his designee, shall assume the duties of
            hearing officer of the Review Committee. The Chairman may designate a qualified individual
            to assume the duties of hearing officer for any Review Committee hearing. (Amended
            pursuant to an emergency by-law amendment of the Executive Committee on June 25,
          c.  In the event a matter to be considered by the Review Committee directly involves a school
            or individual having a direct connection with a current member of the Board of Directors,
            the Commissioner, at the direction of the Chairman, shall empanel a new three-member
            veteran panel whose members may not include members of the current Board of Directors,
            and shall designate a new hearing officer who may not be a member of the current Board
            of Directors.
         17-4.3 Time of Hearing
          a.  If an appeal is requested the Review Committee will hold a hearing, and the Commissioner
            will schedule such hearing on the date of an upcoming regularly scheduled meeting of the
            Executive Committee.  If an appeal is requested in a case where Time is a Factor, and the
            shortness of time is through no fault of the Affected Party, the Commissioner will attempt
            to schedule an earlier hearing on a date when the Executive Committee does not meet
            (‘Alternative Date’).  Time is a Factor when, following the request for an appeal, the student
            will miss a Tournament Series Contest or will miss more than Twenty Five percent (25%)
            of the student’s team’s Season Contests before the next scheduled hearing date.
          b.  If an appeals hearing is granted on an Alternative Date, the appealing party shall remit a
            Two Hundred Fifty dollars ($250.00) fee payable to the IHSAA prior to the hearing.
         17-4.4 Appeal Statement
         The IHSAA and all appealing parties shall present to the Commissioner at the offices of the
         IHSAA [via mail (9150 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46260), hand delivery (9150
         North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, 46260) or email (] a written Appeal
         Statement which summarizes the party’s position at least Five (5) business days prior to
         the hearing.  This Appeal Statement shall have attached (i) all documents relied upon by
         a party to the appeal, and (ii) a written Summary Statement under oath of the testimony
         to be given by each witness who may testify at the hearing.  At the hearing the Hearing
         Officer, for good cause, may admit a previously un-submitted document or Summary
         Statement, or permit the testimony from an unidentified witness or a witness without a
         Summary Statement; ‘good cause’ includes proof that the document or testimony was
         newly discovered evidence, which by due diligence could not have been timely presented
         with the Appeal Statement and which is directly related to the core issues in the appeal.
         After receipt, the Appeal Statement and all attachments shall be sent to the IHSAA, to all
         appealing parties and to the Review Committee members, which should be received no
         later than the day before the hearing.
         17-4.5 Hearing Procedure of Review Committee
         The following general procedures will be followed at such hearing:
          a.  A quorum of the Review committee is Four (4) members including the hearing officer. The
            hearing officer shall not vote on any case unless his/her vote is necessary to break a tie
            vote.                      75
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