Page 24 - 2020 IHSAA Annual Report
P. 24

Financial Review

               The Indiana High School Athletic Association,   to COVID-19. While tournament revenue
               Inc. is a private non-for-profit 501(c)(3)   distributions to IHSAA member-schools
               corporation that receives no federal, state or   dropped slightly over 10% from 2018-19
               local funding to augment its operation. The   totals, tournament revenue retained by the
               IHSAA garners revenue from the proceeds   Association dropped by over 30% in 2019-20.
               of ticket sales during state championship tour-  The Association was once again augmented
               nament series events, the licensure of nearly   by the strong support of our corporate
               8,000 contest officials, media rights fees,   partners and sponsors during the difficulties
               investment income and corporate partner-  of 2020. Every corporate partner and sponsor
               ships. Annually, the accounting firm of Petrow   met their obligations and promises to the
               Leemhuis Vincent and Kane perform an audit   IHSAA, and for their steadfast commitment
               of the Corporation’s finances and prepares and   to education-based athletics in our state,
               files appropriate tax forms for the Association.   we offer our sincere thanks and gratitude.
               These processes are completed during the   Additionally, to make up for the shortfall
               months of September and October each year.  of revenue, the Association successfully
                                                         obtained a Payroll Protection Program (PPP)
               In 2019-20, the IHSAA returned over $2.28   loan to continue payment to Association
               million to member-schools from tournament   employees and building utilities. Furthermore,
               series events in the form of reimbursements   the Association was able to secure a loan to
               and stipends while retaining $1.67 million to   meet ongoing expenses during the 2019-20
               sustain services provided to the membership.   fiscal year rather than liquidate investments
               The significant drop in Association revenue   during a downtrend in the marketplace.
               was due to the cancellation of the boys
               basketball tournament beyond the sectional
               level and the cancellation of all IHSAA spring
               sport tournament series events related

               2019–20 DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUE

                RETURNED TO MEMBER-SCHOOLS   $2.28 Million
                RETAINED BY IHSAA  $1.67 Million


                2018–19                      $2.56 Million
                2019–20                  $2.28 Million

                                        10.94% DECREASE

                2018–19                    $2.40 Million

                2019–20         $1.67 Million

                                  30.42% DECREASE
                                                         Attendance was up in many sports in 2019-20,
                                                         including the IHSAA State Wrestling Tournament.

               24        INDIANA  HIGH  S CHOOL  A THLE TIC  ASS OCIATION         Annual Report        2020
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