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17participate in a Tournament Series only after fi ling a written report with the Commissioner listing appropriate disciplinary or corrective action taken.Public School: A School established under the laws of the State of Indiana, regulated by local authorities, maintained at the public expense by taxation and open to residents%u2019 children. For purposes of these By-Laws/Eligibility rules, a Charter School is not considered a Public School. For purposes of these rules, the geographic area served by a Public School is a %u2018District.%u2019Receiving School: The School at which a transfer student enrolls following a transfer.Sanctioning: An approval process by the National Federation and all state members of the National Federation, including the IHSAA, for interstate or international events involving two (2) or more Schools which are co-sponsored by or titled in the name of an organization outside the school community (e.g., a college/university, a theme park, a service organization (e.g., Kiwanis, Optimist) or an athletic shoe/apparel company).School: High Schools including grades 9, 10, 11, 12 or 10, 11, 12; Junior High Schools which include grade 9.School Administrator or School Personnel: Any member of a School%u2019s faculty or administration team.School of Enrollment: The School of Enrollment is the School at which a student is Enrolled. If the student is enrolled in more than One (1) School during a Grading Period, the School of Enrollment is the School where the student attends more than Fifty percent (50%) of the courses in which the student is Enrolled during the Grading Period.School which Serves the Student%u2019s Residence: A Public School %u2018Serves%u2019 a student%u2019s residence when the residence is in the Public School%u2019s District. A Private School %u2018Serves%u2019 a student%u2019s residence when the residence is in the Private School%u2019s Territory. All Charter Schools %u2018Serve%u2019 all Indiana residences. A Public School does not %u2018Serve%u2019 the residence of a student who Enrolls at a Public School strictly under an open enrollment program or similar program.School Year: The period of time between (i) Monday of Week 5 and (ii) the earliest of Monday of Week 49, or the last day of the actual school year of a School.School Year Out-of-Season: For each sport, the period of time during the School Year which is outside the sport%u2019s Contest Season.Season Contest: A Contest played during the period (i) beginning on the date a Contest in a sport is authorized to be played and (ii) ending on the day before the first day of the IHSAA Tournament Series in that sport. Some Season Contests may be played beyond the last day of the School Year.Secondary School: A School including any or all of grades 9 through 12.Semester: In Schools whose schedule is based on semesters, one-half of a School Year constitutes a semester. Parts of Two (2) semesters or a part of One (1) semester does not make a semester.Sending School: The School at which a transfer student previously attended.Single Gender Athletic Team: A team sponsored by a member School which participates in a program of interscholastic competition in an IHSAA Recognized Sport off ered only to members of a single gender. Under IHSAA rule 1-2 the single-gender sports for boys include boys baseball, boys basketball, boys cross-country, football, boys golf, boys soccer, boys swimming & diving, boys tennis, boys track & fi eld and wrestling and the single-gender sports for girls include girls basketball, girls cross country, girls golf, gymnastics, girls soccer, softball, girls swimming & diving, girls tennis, girls track & fi eld and volleyball. State Finals: The fi nal competitions and Contests of a Tournament Series.Sub-Varsity: Any School team in a sport which is other than the School%u2019s highest level team in a sport. Summer: That period of time between Tuesday following Memorial Day and the day before Monday of Week 5.Summer Open Facility Program: A School sponsored program conducted During the Summer wherein a student may participate in athletic activities involving an IHSAA Recognized Sport. The program%u2019s activities must occur in the School%u2019s gymnasium, playing field or other School facility and must be open to all students who have attended Defi nitions