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                                    16Limited Eligibility: A level of eligibility in which a student, following a School transfer, may not participate in interschool athletics as a member of a Varsity athletic team. A student with Limited Eligibility is eligible to participate immediately in all interschool athletics, however, during the period beginning on the day of the student%u2019s Enrollment at the Receiving School, and continuing until the day which is Three Hundred Sixty-four (364) days after the day on which (i) the student last participated in interscholastic athletic at the previous School(s), or (ii) the student last participated in athletics as a member of a club or similar team, when the previous School(s) did not off er the sport in which the student wishes to participate, such student may not participate in interschool athletics as a member of a Varsity athletic team.Member School Coaching Staff : Coaches of grades 9-12 in all IHSAA Recognized Sports, including non-teaching and volunteer coaches.Membership: Status of being a member; body of members.National Federation: The National Federation of State High School Associations, Inc. New District or New Territory.a. If a Public School student changes residences, in order for that change of residence to constitute a change to a new District or Territory, the residence change must involve a move to a geographic area which is not served by the Public School serving the student%u2019s former residence.b. If a Private School student changes residence, and the student%u2019s former residence is in the Territory served by the student%u2019s Private School, in order for that change of residence to constitute a change to a new District or Territory, the residence change must involve a move to a geographic area which is not served by the student%u2019s Private School; however, if a student%u2019s former residence is in a Territory which is not served by the student%u2019s former Private School, in order for that residence change to constitute a move to a new District or Territory, the residence change must involve a move to a geographic area which is not served by the Public School serving the student%u2019s former residence. c. If a Charter School student changes residence, in order for that residence change to constitute a move to a %u2018new%u2019 District or Territory, the residence change must involve a move to a geographic area which is not served by the Public School serving the student%u2019s former residence.Non-School: Any activity which is not sponsored, supervised or controlled by a student%u2019s School.Non-School Team: A team in a sport which is not sponsored, supervised or controlled by a member School. A team engaged in a spontaneous unorganized recreational contest is not included in the definition.Offi cial: An individual who umpires, referees, and otherwise preside over a Contest to help maintain standards of play, detect infractions and decide penalties according to the rules of the sport. A licensed Offi cial is an applicant who has successfully passed a written test of the IHSAA and received an Offi cial%u2019s license from the IHSAA.Open Facility: See, Summer Open Facility.Panel: The Case Review Panel established by rule 17-10.Pitch: The act of throwing a baseball toward home plate to start a play in a baseball Contest.Practice: An organized, non-classroom sport activity where instruction of a School%u2019s students is held under the supervision of a School%u2019s coach in that sport. The following is a non-exclusive list of indicia that an assembly is a Practice: participants are coached by School personnel; participants are organized and/or assigned to a team, league or tourney; participants, locations, times and dates are predetermined; participation is scheduled or established; attendance and participation is overtly or covertly mandated by a School coach; School equipment is worn. The following is a non-exclusive list of indicia that an assembly is not a Practice: lack of organization, spontaneity, informality and non-adult instruction.Practice Season: The period of time between the dates of the fi rst authorized Practice and last authorized Practice in a sport. This does not necessarily refer to the date a School schedules its fi rst Practice or its last Practice in a sport.Private School: An Indiana School maintained by private individuals, a religious organization, or a corporation, not at public expense. For purposes of these rules, the geographic area served by a Private School is a %u2018Territory.%u2019 Probation: A more severe type of Warning. A School may continue its regular schedule and Defi nitions
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