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19Part II: General Eligibility RulesRULE 1 %u2013 RULE COVERAGE1-1 Rule Creation, Amendment and Application a. Establishing Rules. The General Eligibility Rules are created by and may only be amended by the Directors. b. Formality. The General Eligibility Rules shall be created using the same formality as used in the creation of and the amendment of the By-Laws of the Corporation. However, the Secretary of the Corporation is authorized, without prior action by the Board of Directors, to (i) draft and publish interpretations of the General Eligibility Rules through questions and answers, (ii) draft and publish definitions of terms contained in General Eligibility Rules and (iii) draft and make corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling and typographical errors in the text of the General Eligibility Rules. Such action taken by the Secretary shall have immediate force and effect but shall be subject to prompt ratification by the Board of Directors. c. General Application. THE ASSOCIATION RULES APPLY to all athletic teams and all sports contestants enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 participating IN ANY ASSOCIATION RECOGNIZED CONTESTS, tourneys and/or meets between member Schools, with independent or alumni teams, or member School teams from outside the State of Indiana and who are in good standing with their respective state association.1-2 Recognized SportsThe following sports are recognized and regulated: Boys %u2013 Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Wrestling; Girls %u2013 Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball; Unified Sports%u00a9 - Track and Field, Flag Football.1-3 Championship Tournament SeriesA championship tournament series will be provided at such time as Fifty percent (50%) of the total, full Membership Schools are participating in that sport at the same time of the year and it is recommended by the Commissioner.NOTE: Applies only to those sports not listed as recognized and regulated in rule 1-2.1-4 Annual Sport Qualification ReviewSports which no longer qualify under the Twenty-five (25%) standard will be reviewed annually for purposes of determining future tournament and recognition status.1-5 Mutual Agreement to Violate rules ProhibitedMutual agreements to violate the rules of this Association shall result in Suspension of all Schools involved.Q & ARule Coverage %u2013 GenerallyQ. 1-1 May a member School support a grade school team in the same school system out of its athletic funds?A. Yes, while the IHSAA rules do not prohibit it, state and school rules may limit such activity.Q. 1-2 Do seniors have any rights and privileges as athletes under the IHSAA rules which not granted to other students?A. No, the IHSAA rules do not address a student%u2019s class or grade level.Q. 1-3 Is a student who misses classes on the day the basketball team plays a Contest eligible to participate in that game?A. The IHSAA rules do not address this matter. The member School%u2019s policy would determine eligibility.Rule 1 - Rule Coverage