Page 117 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 117
Rule 20 - Undue Influence
School’s Summer Open Facilities Program, the transfer student must Enroll
at the School and must complete and submit to the IHSAA the first section of
an IHSAA Transfer Report. (rule 15-3.1)
Q. 20-15 After a student moves from the his mother’s to his father’s residence in another
town, the father makes initial contact at a Private School with the baseball
coach (meets and discusses student’s prospective assimilation into the school’s
baseball program). The father also makes initially contact with the baseball
coach (meets and discusses the baseball program) at the Public School which
Serves the father’s residence. Afterwards the father is referred to the Private
School’s admissions office, and later the student is enrolled there. Is this a
violation of rule 20, the undue influence rule?
A. Yes. Initial contact with any prospective school by a student or by a student’s
parent should never be with the athletic department. If a parent is unfamiliar
with the IHSAA rules and makes initial contact with the School’s athletic
department, the parent should immediately be referred to the Principal, or
to someone in admissions, etc. Having any initial contact with a coach is
problematic, however, when the initial contact is accompanied by a meetings
and/or with discussions with the coach, especially about the School’s athletic
program, there is a likely violation of rule 20. (rules 20-5, 20-7.)