Page 33 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 33
Rule 3 - Administrative Responsibility
a. When eligibility is in question, students shall not be permitted to participate in interschool
b. Moving to another School District or School does not remove an ineligibility ruling by the
preceding School or the Commissioner.
c. A student who becomes ineligible under the rules of another state cannot remove that
ineligibility by transferring to an Indiana high School.
NOTE: Questions in a case of this kind are to be referred to the Commissioner.
d. All questionable cases of eligibility referred in writing to the Commissioner for action must
include the following information: rule reference, student name, grade, date of birth, parent
or Guardian, present and past residence addresses, athletic transfer residence report when
applicable, transcript, sports participation, enrollment and withdrawal dates.
3-9 School Procedure When Ineligible Student Participates
When it is discovered that an ineligible student has participated, the member School principal
shall take the following action.
3-9.1 Submission of Written Report to IHSAA
Immediately send a written report to the Commissioner stating the name of the student, the
cause of ineligibility, dates and scores of Contest in which the student participated when
ineligible, whether the incident was intentional or unintentional, whether facts were purposely
withheld or misrepresented, etc.
3-9.2 Issuance of Letter of Explanation to Opponents
Promptly send letter/s of explanation to the Commissioner if the incident involves a tournament
Contest and/or opponent principal/s of Season Contest/s in which the student participated
when ineligible; explaining the incident and forfeiting, as outlined in rules 3-9.4 and 3-9.5,
points and Contests and requesting the principal to notify the Commissioner as soon as he
receives such letter/s, and securing a return to the Association of the individual and team
awards, as outlined in rule 3-9.4.
3-9.3 Student Ineligible
Immediately declare the student ineligible in that sport for the remainder of that sport season
except for scholarship deficiency, too many quarters, too many events and similar oversights.
See rules 15-1.1e, 15-1.2d & 17-7.4, if facts were purposely withheld or misrepresented.
3-9.4 Tournament Series Procedure
a. In Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball During Tourneys
(1.) disqualify ineligible individual – but team advances
(2.) State Finals championship or runners-up vacated and all team/individual awards shall
be forfeited and returned to the Association.
b. In Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, and Wrestling
During Tourneys
(1.) disqualify ineligible individual
(2.) forfeit points of ineligible student and refigure team score, if applicable
(3.) all individual awards shall be forfeited and returned to the Association
(4.) if applicable, after team scores are refigured, team awards shall be returned to the
association and redistributed.
3-9.5 Non-Tournament Series Procedure
a. In Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball Season Contests
(1.) disqualify ineligible individual
(2.) the game/s and all individual awards shall be forfeited
b. In Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, and Wrestling
Season Contests
(1.) disqualify ineligible individual
(2.) forfeit points of ineligible individual and refigure team score, if applicable
(3.) all individual awards shall be forfeited
(4.) if applicable, after team scores are refigured, team awards shall be returned and